
I don’t know if it’s the hot summer air, the kids running wild on the old-school play equipment, or the ridiculous amounts of yummy snacks we bring with us, but there is just something special about going to a drive-in movie. Not only is it a fun twist on family movie night, but for me…it’s full of nostalgia! It feels like a scene out of a feel-good 80’s movie. It just feels so relaxed, easy…carefree.

We’ve packed up our SUV and have gone to the drive-in twice already this summer and all of us absolutely LOVE it! In fact, the kids keep asking when we’re going again! The first night we went, we got there at 8pm when the gates opened and backed into a parking spot in the second row. This was the first drive-in movie we’ve ever taken our boys to. They hopped out and just stared at the play equipment that I’m pretty certain has been there since I was a kid. But to them, it looked different and way more fun than the equipment they’re used to playing on at parks. Their eyes got big, their smiles got wide, and they asked if they could go play. We smiled and sent them on their way and then sat and watched them (from a distance like in the good ‘ole days) play, laugh and make new friends for over an hour before the movie started. I swear, they might like this part of the night more than the actual movie.

While the kids were playing and happily getting dirty, my husband and I set up our chairs and the kids pillows and blankets in the back of the SUV. We watched other people around us setting up camp too. Some set up tents outside their vehicle, some pumped up air mattresses to throw in their truck bed, and we even saw one family set up on the roof of their jeep. There’s really no right or wrong way to enjoy a movie at the drive-in.

But snacks are a MUST!

The beautiful thing about the drive-in is…you can bring snacks with you. Anything you want! We usually bring a selection of chips and candy and just pass them around so we can enjoy a bit of everything. This is also one of the kids’ favourite part of drive-in night. (If I’m being honest…it’s one of mine too!)

Then, when dusk hits, all the kids hop off the old-school swings and slides and come running. The horns start honking, and once that screen lights up…everyone just shuts up. It’s an awesome atmosphere.

Don’t get me wrong, going to see movies at the theater is always fun, but we’ve found we like the drive-in experience much better and we definitely plan on going a few more times before summer ends. At the drive-in, you have more space, you can talk to each other without disrupting anyone, you can cuddle up with the kids, or you can fall asleep in your vehicle if your family decides to stay for the second movie that you have no interest in.  (Just sayin’…)

It’s an experience I’m almost positive your kids – and you – will absolutely love. It’s a fun way to spend time together as a family and make memories they’ll look back fondly on for years to come. We plan on making it a summer tradition.

And hey, if the kids are up that late…they might sleep in the next day! We can always hope, right?


Linsey is a happily married mother of two living in Plainfield, ON. When she’s not busy chasing her two crazy boys, she’s running her own freelance writing company, Little Miss Creative. In her downtime, she enjoys tea, backyard BBQs, watching Friends reruns, and hanging out with her family and friends. Oh, and candy.

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