
 For as long as I can remember, protecting our planet was always an important part of my education growing up. We were always taught to recycle and respect our planet.

In fact, I remember when I was in Grade 7, our school play was based entirely around saving our earth. I was part of the “Ozone Squad”. I still remember our squad’s song loud and clear. It was called “We’re Killing the Ozone” and the lyrics still ring true today:

“We’ve got to start now, to change it somehow. We’re destroying the planet, that we take for granted. We’re killing the ozone.”

There were also super cool 90’s dance moves, but we’ll move along.

Now, as an adult, Earth Day is a great opportunity to teach our children about the importance of respecting our environment, recycling and conserving energy. But seeing as they’re kids, it’s important that we make it fun, too! 

So here are some of my Earth Day ideas that your kids will LOVE to take part in!


Pick up Garbage – A simple way to teach kids about respecting the environment is going for a walk around your neighbourhood and pick up garbage together. Grab a bag, slap on some boots and gloves and start cleaning up! I know what you’re thinking… “The kids won’t find this fun!”, but I’ve got that covered. Head to a local park you like to frequent and pick up trash there. Then, let them play afterwards!

Plan a “Lights Out” Night – To show kids the importance of conserving energy, plan a “Lights Out” night. No lights, no TV, no electronics. In a technology-based world, sometimes it’s hard to break away from screens, but for one night, turn everything off and play hide-and-go-seek in the dark or play board games by candlelight! This is sure to be new and exciting for everyone.

Plant a Garden – When thinking of Earth Day, most people think about planting trees or a garden. It’s a great time to get the kids outside and get their hands dirty! If you don’t have an outdoor garden, plant  an indoor herb garden and have the kids help decorate the pots.

Craft with Recyclable Items – What to do with all those empty toilet paper rolls, cereal boxes and milk cartons? Use them for some cool Earth Day crafts! Go online and search out some fun craft ideas (there are tons) and make it a family event.

Family Scavenger Hunt – Our family loves to get outside, so a family hike sounds awesome enough to me! But if your kids aren’t big fans of long walks, just turn your walk into a nature scavenger hunt with items they have to find and collect along the way!


Earth Day is great opportunity to teach your children that they CAN make a difference when it comes to our environment. After all, our kids are going to be the ones in charge of our planet someday, so it’s our job to teach them while they’re young. Be the example. Even small things like recycling, using less water and turning off lights can make a HUGE difference.

What are your plans for Earth Day this weekend? Share them below to give other families more great ideas to celebrate our beautiful planet!



Linsey is a happily married mother of two living in Plainfield, ON. When she’s not busy chasing her two crazy boys, she’s running her own freelance writing company, Little Miss Creative. In her downtime, she enjoys tea, backyard BBQs, watching Friends reruns, and hanging out with her family and friends. Oh, and candy.

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