5 Ideas for Self-Care Sundays

How can you care for those you love if you don’t make time to care for yourself?

It’s a question that parents hear all the time these days. Recently, there seems to be a lot of emphasis being put on the importance of self-care. I know some of you are probably shaking your heads and thinking… “I don’t have time for that. I’m too busy.” And while that may be true, I’m here to tell you that if you make a little time for yourself – even just a weeeee bit of time each week – you’ll be a better, more patient parent, and an all-round happier person! (It’s true!)

Now I know most of us have jam-packed schedules during the week with work, school, sports and activities. Trying to find some time for yourself is tough. But what about Sundays? Sunday is usually that one day a week where most of us have a little bit of downtime, right? So, if you haven’t heard of it already, I would like to introduce you to: Self-care Sundays!

The idea is quite simple. Every Sunday, take some time to do something that is just for YOU! (Ideas below!) Remember though; we’re all different. So, what you choose to do for your weekly me-time might not be right for me, or vice-versa. Do something that makes YOU feel relaxed and refreshed.


Take a Relaxing Bubble Bath 

I’m a bath person, so this is my absolute favourite way to relax. I love nothing more than to unwind in a warm, relaxing bubble bath while the hubby watches a movie with the kids! You can add candles for a more relaxed atmosphere if you like, or even grab a magazine and a glass of wine!  

Read a Book 

If you’re a reader, one of your favourite ways to unwind is likely to curl up with a good book. With kids, there’s not always a lot of time for that. So, on Sundays…try to make time. Even if it’s just a couple of chapters while the kids nap or have some quiet play.

Lunch with a Friend 

If you have someone to watch the kids, get out of the house for a little while and catch up with a friend over lunch. Chat, laugh, vent, share stories! Chances are you know a friend who could use a bit of a break, too!

Go for a Walk 

There’s something about going for a walk that just makes you feel refreshed. It gives you time to think and it’s good for your mind and body. Walk alone or invite a friend or family member to join you if you want company.

Sleep In 

With young children, this one might not be possible. But if you have a partner who would be willing to get up with the kids and let you have and extra hour or so of sleep if that’s what you really need, make it happen! It’s only one day a week and it can really help you feel instantly refreshed.


As a parent, it’s only natural that we put our children first. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t carve out some time for yourself too. Self-Care Sundays – make it a thing! You’ll be happy you did!



Linsey is a happily married mother of two living in Plainfield, ON. When she’s not busy chasing her two crazy boys, she’s running her own freelance writing company, Little Miss Creative. In her downtime, she enjoys tea, backyard BBQs, watching Friends reruns, and hanging out with her family and friends. Oh, and candy.

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