It’s very scary to send your kids with allergies off to school each year. When you have a new teacher, new kids in the class there is so much more potential risk. The best thing that allergy parents can do, is be prepared before the school year begins. Preparing to send a child with allergies to school requires careful planning and communication with school staff, teachers, and your kid!  You need to know how to set up your kids’ allergy plan for school.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you prepare to send your kid to school with allergies:

Understand your child’s allergies:
Make sure you have a clear understanding of your child’s allergies, including what they are allergic to, common symptoms, and emergency procedures. Others can’t help you if you don’t have all the details, so make sure to get all the info you need before starting a plan for the school.

Prepare your medical documentation:
Provide the school with medical documentation from your child’s healthcare provider detailing their allergies, emergency contact information, and any necessary medications or treatments.

Get your child an appointment over the summer months to ensure there are no new updates or changes needed to any of the info, and you can provide the most up-to-date information for their school file.

Start developing an Allergy Action Plan:
This plan should outline specific steps to take in case of an allergic reaction, including symptoms, treatment (such as administering epinephrine if needed), and when to seek emergency medical help. Make sure you fully understand all of this so you can clearly pass along the information.

-What medications (epic pens, inhalers) does the child need with them each day?
-Where do those medications stay at school (a spot in the classroom, on their desk? On their person)?
-What symptoms is everyone to be aware of?
-What treatment is needed?
-Who administers the treatment?
-Who gets called first?
-If your child needs to go to the hospital, who will travel with them?

Label food containers, lunch boxes, bag, backpacks and medications:
Ensure that any medications your child may need, such as epinephrine auto-injectors, are properly labeled with their name and dosage instructions. Provide a backup dose of medication to keep at the school if needed. Make sure all backpacks, bags, lunch bags, snack container and water bottles are labeled with these Custom Medical Alert Label Pack for school kids.  Educate your kids child about their allergies:

-How to recognize symptoms of a reaction
-What triggers their allergens
-How to avoid allergens
-What to do if they have a reaction

Make sure they know all this information like the back of their hand. Teach them how to communicate their allergies to teachers and peers, and give them tips on what to say and how to advocate for themselves.

Discuss allergy accommodations with school staff:
Work with school staff to develop the accommodations needed for your child’s allergies. This may include measures like nut-free classrooms or lunch areas, allergen-free snacks provided by the school, and special seating arrangements in the cafeteria. Include all of this in your action plan.

If your child has lunches provided or gets food from the cafeteria, make sure you ask questions:

-How will they identify your child when serving food
-How will they manage possible cross-contact within the kitchen?
-Will a staff member be watching child over the lunchtime period?

Make sure that the school has steps in place to ensure that the allergy action plan is passed along to all teachers, including substitute teachers! Don’t be afraid to ask them about this often. You may feel like an annoyance, but it benefits your child’s health, and they may appreciate or need the reminders!

Pack Safe Snacks and Meals:
This goes without saying: If your child has food allergies, provide safe snacks and meals for them to bring to school. Make sure they understand not to share food with classmates and to always check ingredient labels. If you don’t take it seriously, nobody else will, either.

Stay Informed of policies:
Stay informed about school policies and procedures related to allergies and any updates or changes. Keep lines of communication open with school staff and be proactive in addressing any concerns or issues that arise, especially for sports events, outings and field trips etc. when routines change.

Review and Update Regularly:
Review your child’s allergy action plan and accommodations regularly to ensure they remain up-to-date and effective. Make any necessary revisions based on changes in your child’s allergies or medical needs.

Preparing and communicating effectively with school staff and your family doctor can help ensure a safe and supportive environment for your child with allergies.


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