


As the new school year begins, we’ll see the adorable “First-day” chalkboard signs, cute outfits, and photoshoots. Many families are embarking on a homeschooling journey. Whether this choice was made out of necessity, preference, or a blend of both, one thing is sure: the first day of homeschooling can also be made incredibly special with a little creativity and thoughtful planning. Here are some ideas to make the first day of homeschooling feel special. Set the Stage with Excitement Start the day with a positive and enthusiastic tone. Create a special morning routine that differs from your everyday activities this summer. Consider preparing a delicious breakfast together or having a small celebratory treat. Setting the table with decorations or special dishes can add a festive touch. Create a “First Day” Tradition for Homeschool Traditions provide a sense of continuity and excitement. Establish a tradition that marks the beginning of each…

With the new school year on the horizon, the task of shopping for school uniforms for our little ones is looming. While the school’s uniform shop may seem like the easiest option, many savvy parents are discovering cost-effective and efficient ways to tackle this task. Let’s explore some of these tips and tricks together. Here, we’ve gathered all the best hacks to uniform shopping for elementary school kids that will not only make it less stressful and more efficient but also give you a sense of accomplishment in finding cost-effective solutions. Sometimes, it’s satisfying to get the best bang for your buck! Check the school guidelines on uniforms before you begin shopping: Before you start shopping, review the school’s uniform guidelines. Some schools have specific requirements for very specific colors, styles, and where to purchase uniforms. Label Everything: With all kids wearing the same uniform, labeling your child’s clothing can…

It’s very scary to send your kids with allergies off to school each year. When you have a new teacher, new kids in the class there is so much more potential risk. The best thing that allergy parents can do, is be prepared before the school year begins. Preparing to send a child with allergies to school requires careful planning and communication with school staff, teachers, and your kid!  You need to know how to set up your kids’ allergy plan for school. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you prepare to send your kid to school with allergies: Understand your child’s allergies: Make sure you have a clear understanding of your child’s allergies, including what they are allergic to, common symptoms, and emergency procedures. Others can’t help you if you don’t have all the details, so make sure to get all the info you need before starting a plan…

Every kid is different and matures at their own pace. That said, there are some basic school-related skills that should be in place by the time your child enters Grade 8. Here is a review of essential skills needed by 8th grade, for today’s young teenager — plus some useful tips to help develop them. Social Skills Needed by 8th Grade Young people with strong social skills are better prepared to build positive relationships, meet new friends, navigate unfamiliar situations and manage peer pressure. The social world of preteens and teens is a complex one, and you want your child to feel as confident and comfortable as possible. Verbal communication. They should be able to choose suitable words and comments for the situation, while speaking a confident tone of voice. Awareness of non-verbal communication. At this age, they likely understand that body language can also send powerful messages. They will…

Forest schools, a rising trend in recent years, offer a unique educational approach that celebrates outdoor learning and nature-based activities. With growing concerns about the adverse effects of screen time and sedentary indoor lifestyles, the positives of outdoor education are becoming apparent to many families. …the joy of seeing your child run, explore, and get a little dirty in the great outdoors is an experience like no other! It is critical to be well-prepared with the right gear and supplies for forest school. With the right items, the unique learning experience offered by the great outdoors will be more enjoyable for your kids. Here’s a list of essentials to buy and pack for forest school: Clothing Essentials Needed for Forest School: Comfortable Clothes: Dress in layers suitable for the weather. Consider moisture-wicking materials. Soft clothing like sweatpants should be worn under waterproof pants. Thicker pants are good for keeping bugs…

As a parent, it can be tough to see your teen struggling with exam stress. The pressure to perform well can take a toll on their mental and emotional well-being, which can then have an effect on their physical health too!  However, there are several ways you can support your teen during exams and help them develop coping skills that they can take with them through life. Here are some tips to help your teen manage exam stress effectively: 1. Encourage a healthy lifestyle, especially leading up to exam time Encourage your teen to eat well and take care of themselves leading up to, and during exam periods. This includes getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, and staying physically active. Regular exercise can help reduce stress and improve mood, so encourage your teen to take short breaks for physical activity, go for a walk or bike ride with friends (this will help them get exercise, plus time with friends can…

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects both children and adults. It is characterized by symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. People with ADHD may find it difficult to focus, complete tasks, and control their behavior. ADHD can pose unique challenges for students, especially when it comes to staying organized. However, with some simple strategies, students with ADHD can learn how to manage their time, keep their stuff organized, and be more focused on the task at hand.  Here are some organization tips for students with ADHD. ADHD Students should use a calendar or planner: A planner or calendar can be an effective tool for managing time and keeping track of assignments and deadlines, especially for students with ADHD who often struggle with managing their time. By having a visual representation of their schedule, students with ADHD can better organize their time and reduce the…

Taking the school bus can be a scary responsibility for kids and very overwhelming for parents. But it doesn’t have to be. Talking to your kids about the bus being prepared and organized can make the bus system a good experience for kids. But how do you do that exactly? Here are school bus safety tips for kids, great tips to talk about and be prepared for. School Bus Rules for Parents to Be Aware of:     There can sometimes be confusion about the bus procedure and where the responsibility lies. Here are some general rules that most school districts and bus companies follow that are good for parents to be aware of. -It’s the responsibility of the parents to understand the safety procedures and talk about them with their child. -Parents are responsible for their children until they board the bus and again immediately as they step off the…

Co-parenting can be tricky; there are lots of emotions, many people to consider, and a wide array of schedules to coordinate. But with effective cooperation and communication, it is possible to make it smoother. Here are some tips to co-parent successfully through the school year. How to organize the schedule between both parents: Start discussing the school schedule well in advance to avoid any last-minute conflicts.  Consider the following: -PA Days -Doctor and dentist appointments (especially any that may impact your ex’s days  or pick-up times) -Parent-teacher interviews -pick up and drop off’s -extracurricular schedules -Special days (pink shirt days, pizza days etc.) Make sure it’s on everyone’s calendar and that any adjustments to the calendar or schedule have been discussed in advance. Make sure everyone is aware of what each day entails and has the items needed. Coordinate supplies and schedule:   Coordinate your shopping trips to avoid duplicating…

Lice, just the word alone, can give parents the ick. The beginning of the school year is often a big time for lice; there are so many new heads to infest! With classrooms getting more and more kids each year, it’s unsurprising that it’s so easily spread. When your child comes home with lice or even the dreaded note indicating there are lice in the classroom, immediately our heads get itchy, and we feel squeamish. Here are some tips to prevent and treat lice. We know action needs to be taken immediately, whether you need to treat lice, or are aware it’s spreading throughout the class and you need to prevent it – the time for action is immediate. The good news about lice: While the thought of lice is unsettling, it’s good to remember that lice aren’t a major health risk, nor do they carry any disease like other…