Everywhere I go people are always asking me for advice on how to be a great parent.
Recently my dear friend Maggie passed away after succumbing to complications from a battle with cancer. When my husband and I decided to attend her celebration of life with our children, we got a few raised eyebrows because many believe this isn’t the place for kids. But I’m glad we brought them and here’s why.
Great news parents! If you live in Utah you can now raise your children to be independent and self-sufficient without fear of going to jail.
As a dog lover, I always tell people that God made puppies so cute because they’d never survive if they weren’t. The peeing, the all night whining and the razor sharp teeth can make us question why we’d ever want one in our house. But then there’s that oh-so-soft puppy fur, those soulful eyes and that tiny snore that melts our hearts.
When I was a kid birthday parties were at one of three places: home, the bowling alley or McDonald’s play place. That’s it.
Both my daughters are April babies so this is the time of year when our thoughts turn to birthday parties. Valentine’s Day is over, Christmas is a distant memory and now the sole focus of life is figuring out how to celebrate another year on planet earth, and with whom.
The deep, dark days of winter are still upon us and most of us just want to curl up with a good book and something warm. But sadly, the kids still expect to be fed. And the snacks! Oh my goodness the never-ending snacks.
Fortunately, if you have a blender and you stock ice cubes (and if you don’t I’m questioning our friendship) you’re about a third of the way towards putting together a healthy and delicious snack.
Earlier this month I spent a week in Mexico with my two kids. Like any adventure, it was full of precious moments, a few meltdowns and many life-lessons, including: