
Fundraising solutions


Fundraising is inevitably a necessary burden to keep schools, clubs, and organizations running these days. From needing to cover travel costs, uniforms, equipment for kids to overall helping under-funded programs up and running. The benefits of fundraising are so great for kids; you need to understand the most effective way to raise money for the kids’ school or organization. The big downside to fundraising is that it’s a BIG job. It’s a full-time job and can add to already busy and stressed parents. Whether you’re asking parents to sell chocolate bars, wrapping paper, or magazine subscriptions, parents get tired of the time-consuming burden of fundraising, and organizers get tired of the planning, distribution, and overall logistics. There are many flaws with fundraising programs, but we’re here to show you how we’ve created the most straightforward way for both parents and organizations to raise funds without needing the added burden. Our…