
Paging Dr. McDreamy.

If seeing the Dr. was as easy as looking into the beautiful blue eyes of Patrick Dempsey, we’d all be taking a sick day to visit the Doc.

But life isn’t like a hospital drama television show. Or is it?

Whenever I mention the Dr. in conversation around my toddler, he says with such determination, “No, Doctor!”

When he gets a boo-boo and needs a Band-Aid, it’s “No, Band-Aid!”

We’ve heard that cheery check-up song from Doc McStuffins so many times. So, why’s my kiddo so resistant? Cause he’s 2.

Getting him to wear a Band-Aid and go to the Doctor without fuss became my new mission. So, I went out and bought cute, colorful Band-Aids. He didn’t care. When we were at the store, we swung by the pharmacy so we could see ‘the doctor’ getting medicine to help people feel better. He just looked up at me, and asked if we could “see toys now.”

One day, I was at the bookstore and saw a book titled “All Better!” As I skimmed the pages, I knew I had to get it and see if it would have any effect on my stubborn tot. He loved it! There’s 5 animals who all hurt themselves and need Band-Aids. Included in the book are 5 peel and stick bandages that my son would carefully apply to each character’s boo-boo. “All better!” he’d chime after each page. That night he went to bed with a sock on one foot, and a Band-Aid on the other. Having a Band-Aid on his foot was a nightly thing for the next week or so. The book was helpful in teaching the concept of applying a bandage, but it didn’t fix the problem. The next time he hurt himself and needed a Band-Aid, he once again refused with tears. “No, Band-Aid!”

As for seeing the Doctor, I’ve managed to bribe him with chocolate and cookies as long as there’s no crying. I’m not sure how long that will last either. So, this year for Christmas, I’ve bought him a Doctor’s toy set complete with a new box of cute, colorful Band-Aids. I also bought a new book about going to the Doctor. I can only imagine there will be some role playing in my future, and sadly not the kind that ends in an on-call room.

Have you had troubles getting your child to understand that Doctors are nice people who help? How do you explain healthy vs sick to your toddler? What books or other resources have you used to teach your kid that Doctors and Band-Aids are good?


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