We are just a few days away from Hallowe’en, and there are a few important points I’m considering and talking to my kids about before the big day!
When choosing their costumes, I ask my kids always to be respectful. Have them consider if their costume is making for or offensive of a culture or religion. Does it reinforce stereotypes about certain groups? My kiddos are generally very aware of cultural appropriation, but it’s still a meaningful conversation to have. Otherwise, if their costumes are safe and not too restrictive, I don’t police unnecessarily. Let them express themselves and have fun!
2. Inclusivity
I try to ensure I have non-food items for kids with allergies or food sensitivities. Having a teal pumpkin on your porch will alert trick-or-treaters that you are a safe house for them. If you notice a child carrying a blue pumpkin for their treats, they alert homeowners that they are on the autism spectrum. These kiddos may not be in costume because of sensory issues. They may not say “trick-or-treat” if they are non-verbal. If you have a child in your neighbourhood with a mobility device, be sure to make your home accessible for them or set up your treats at the bottom of your driveway. As a mom now of many teenagers who love to trick-or-treat, don’t be that guy who doesn’t give them candy because they are teenagers. Let them be kids for as long as they can.
3. Covid Safety
We’re all well versed in this by now – wear masks, bring hand sanitizer, and try to avoid congregating and chatting on porches. Instead, have your little trick-or-treaters move along quickly. When distributing treats, don’t have the kiddos all reaching into a common bowl. Using tongs to hand out treats is probably the way to go this year.
And remember – Hallowe’en is not mandatory! If you feel uncomfortable letting your kids go out or having people come to your door, you can always turn that porch light off and have fun with the kiddos doing other activities. So for those who are participating – let’s have a safe, inclusive, and fun night!