


As we all prepare for a holiday season like no other, you may be feeling the pressure of making this year’s celebrations extra special for your kids to provide some much needed delight after the challenges of lockdowns, school closures, and cancelled birthday parties. The annual mission of finding the perfect gift for every age—one that is both fun and educational—is coupled with thoughts of a long winter spent at home where kids need to be kept entertained for hours. For some holiday shopping inspiration, look no further!

I feel like it was not long ago that I was happily making the effort to introduce new and effective ways to better myself, for me and my family. I did yoga on Wednesday nights and if I missed a class here or there, I forgave myself for choosing much-needed rest instead. My family was eating healthier by taking the time to cook meals from scratch on the weekends. I took solo walks with my dog. And every day I would give myself reminders to just breathe. It’s quite depressing to think about how that has all quickly flown out the proverbial window. Nothing feels like my normal life right now and it has me wondering: what happened to ME?

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What are Montessori toys and why are they so popular? Montessori is an educational method that was developed by Maria Montessori in 1897. Her educational system is designed to put the child first and allow them to self-lead in the classroom. So, how does this educational style relate to toys? Children are naturally curious and learn through play and things that spark their interest. Toys are one of the first things we introduce to our children. There are tons of toys on the market that encourage children to develop social, cognitive, emotional and physical skills. Here are the best Montessori toys for babies, and kids.

The past few weeks have been a time of transition for parents all over the globe. We are now being tasked with being remote employees, homeschoolers, chefs, housekeepers, and the list goes on. Since we are stuck at home with our darling children, now is a great time to connect with them and keep them fed! Put those busy hands to work and have them help in the kitchen. Cooking at home with kids may sound stressful to some, but it doesn’t have to be. There are plenty of tasks that they can help with, and give your littles a sense of accomplishment. A win for everyone involved!

Life with children can be unpredictable. Things pop up out of the blue that you need to manage: various accidents and spills, an unexpected illness, birthday parties, and the dozens of other things you need to respond to week in and week out. While you can’t always plan for those things, there are elements of life with children that you can predict. And having systems in place is the key to staying organized even when life throws you a few curve balls.