



Self-love and self-care are hot topics on the social scene right now. And they sound so similar, but how are they different? If you’ve pondered this question, I’m going to explain the key differences between the two. I am a huge advocate for BOTH and love to incorporate them into my life as much as possible. Self-care may not happen on the daily, but I sure to try to squeeze in a little self-love every day. Here’s what each means:

Every expecting mom has a unique pregnancy, and so are the aches and pains. Many expecting moms first start coming to my prenatal yoga classes because they are in discomfort or experiencing annoying aches and pains. Often, they are surprised at all the other benefits they get; sleeping better, having more energy, feeling more connected with their babies, and feeling less anxious about giving birth. The immediate gratification of actually feeling better in the muscles and joints, is what brings them back week after week.


Our family is becoming more aware of the impact that we have on our environment. We can’t help but hear the stories of the damage that we are inflicting on our world. Global warming, climate change, oceans filled with plastic and overflowing landfills are making headlines everywhere. The truth is we have to make some changes. We are starting to leave permanent scars on the earth and it’s not acceptable. We are not naturally a very environmentally savvy family, but it’s important to us that we learn ways to be better. So we’ve started researching ways that we can make a positive impact and it turns out it’s not that hard.

 10 organizational tools for moms

With the start of a new year, comes big expectations and a push to get organized. Did you make a resolution to get organized but don’t know where to start? Here are my favourite organizational products for the 10 places that tend to get disorderly in a busy mom’s life. And the best part is that they can all be purchased at the click of a button on Amazon or in the App Store!