We often hear about the benefits of sending kids to camp. Even here in the Mabelhood, we talk about it a lot. Like this, and this. Sleepaway camp is indeed so beneficial for kids. But what about moms? Being a mom is hard, and we rarely talk about how we need a break. So summer camp also has enormous benefits for parents, and it’s okay to admit that. Here are the ways that moms benefit from our kids going to camp. 1) Recharge Relax, take a walk, meditate and do the things you always dream of doing but never have the time or the privacy to do. 2) Eat what you want Enjoy the chance to cook meals that you love without complaints. Eat the spicy foods, the healthy meals, or the junk food you want without needing to share! 3) Reconnect with your spouse Go on dates, enjoy the…
We’re often trying to limit screen time, we’re trying to be the parents who don’t use the TV as a babysitter, but let’s be real, sometimes we just need to finish up work, do the laundry or make dinner and the TV can be the best babysitter to allow us to do that. Instead of feeling guilty about doing that, know that everyone does it, and select Tv shows that make you feel a bit better. Here is a list of the best educational TV shows for kids in 2023 that you know they can watch guilt-free! 1) Storybots Answer Time Little Kids Rated ***** on Common Sense Media Netflix Every episode answers questions sent in by real kids, questions and life and the world that kids are curious about. The Story Bots work together to find the answer to the kids’ questions. The show includes fun musical elements; in…
It’s great to have hobbies, but hobbies such as video games seem to be creeping into some dangerous territory for many parents these days. Many parents, especially after lockdown days, have been seeing an increase in screen time, and have been asking themselves about video game addiction, how much it too much? It’s difficult for parents to know when a harmless hobby is no longer harmless. How much is too much and can gaming become an addiction? Recently, on a Facebook moms’ group, the question was raised, how do I know if my son is addicted to video games, the comments came flooding in. This is a concern in many families. It’s difficult to know when your child is crossing into the area of no longer controlling themselves or whether they enjoy the game. During pandemic days, screen time has significantly increased. However, with families spending so much time together, sometimes…
Let’s be honest, kids’ parties are expensive, and the host often spends a lot of money on the most controversial part of a birthday party – the loot bag. Why are we sending kids home with a load of junk that will be thrown into a landfill days later!? Can’t we all agree that we need to change this with some unique loot bag ideas? I’m not sure where the trend of giving away plastic junk started, but it’s become out of hand. Each holiday my kids come home with little plastic bags of erasers, games, or candy. None of them get used; they clutter up the house for a week and then end up in the landfill, not to mention all the packaging! Here are our choices- we can either agree that a loot bag isn’t required, let’s prepare our kids not to expect one (let’s stop feeling guilted…
Encouraging girls to pursue careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) is important for promoting gender diversity and equality in these fields. Studies have shown that girls often have a strong interest in STEM subjects but may be discouraged from pursuing them due to societal stereotypes and lack of female role models. February 11 was proclaimed by the United Nationals to be the International Day of Women and Girls in Science to safeguard access to and participation of women and girls in science. Programs such as STEM education in schools, mentorship opportunities, and encouraging girls to participate in STEM competitions and activities can help to promote their interest and participation in these fields. But what about when they’re younger? How do we encourage them to be interested, stay interested and carry that through into their adult life? Here are some toys (great recommendations from our friends at Mastermind) as…
We know that a child’s deepest need, above all else, is to feel loved. Kids who feel loved grow up with fewer mental health challenges and are more emotionally stable. Kids who feel valued are more likely to find an emotionally healthy relationship. We often assume that our unconditional love is enough for our kids. We tell them we love them; we hug and kiss and say I love you daily. But what if we express love isn’t the same way they receive love? What if all the I love you’s don’t have the effect we think they do? Parents can often fall short of loving when we’re not doing it right for each kid. Parents tend to show love to their kids in the ways they wish to receive love themselves. The same goes for siblings; each child will receive love differently, and what makes one child feel loved may not…
When it comes to babies weaning, the only thing you can truly expect is that you won’t know what to expect. A great piece of advice is to go slow and follow their lead. Some babies can jump straight into an open cup, and that’s amazing, maybe even preferable. But, for many, dealing with the constant spills is too much. Other times, babies have difficulty adjusting or having the motor skills to go straight to an open cup. Transitioning from breastfeeding to a sippy cup can be a long process, especially finding one that works well. The trial-and-error process can become frustrating and expensive, so have a game plan and research before buying cups. A good rule of thumb is if they can sit up in a highchair, they’re probably ready to try a sippy cup. Of course, there may be babies where this rule may not apply, but as the parent,…
Most kids give sports a try at some point in their childhood. If it takes, and they enjoy it and keep it up, it usually becomes a big part of the week for the whole family. Many parents who never considered themselves sporty suddenly find themselves soccer, hockey, or dance moms. We’ve all heard the stories of dance moms (heck, there is a show about them!); it’s essential to remind yourself that your kids’ participation and enjoyment of a sport can depend on your attitude as a sports parent. Your attitude and character as sports parent also teach your child life-long skills, respect, good sportsmanship. Being a good sports parent involves supporting and encouraging your child’s interest in sports while setting appropriate boundaries and expectations. Your job as parents includes providing transportation to practice and games, helping with equipment and uniforms, and being a positive role model by displaying sportsmanship. …
Updated Jan 2025 Is a baby on the way? Congrats!! Your life is about to become much more beautiful (and exhausting). Sharing the news of your little bundle’s arrival is probably on your mind; friends and family will be eagerly awaiting the exciting news. Parents are planning to make the perfect announcement well ahead of time. But it can be hard to know what to say, when, and how to say it. Especially within a few hours of birth – you’re feeling overwhelmed and probably exhausted, so you’re probably not feeling very creative. With social media, it has never been easier to announce your baby’s arrival – but you still need to make it perfect! The etiquette around birth announcements on social media is a little wishy-washy, so we want to ensure you share the news flawlessly. Here is a list of birth announcement ideas, captions and etiquette. We must…
As a first-time parent, it can be hard to know what you need. When finances are tight, it starts to feel like you may be buying things you don’t need. Often this is the case; other times, you shock yourself with how many you need (I’m looking at you burp cloths!). You’ll receive many of the same gifts (blankets!), and sometimes you don’t get the gift you want. Here is a list of the must-haves versus the nice-to-haves. Plus, a few don’t bother items. If your budget allows for the nice-to-haves, they’ll make your life a little easier. But if you’re making these purchases on a budget, you’ll manage fine with these must-have baby items. Here is a FREE printable version of the list below. Must-have: Bassinet or crib Crib mattress Mattress protector Bedding Baby Monitor (unnecessary for smaller houses and apartments) Nice…