


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects both children and adults. It is characterized by symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. People with ADHD may find it difficult to focus, complete tasks, and control their behavior. ADHD can pose unique challenges for students, especially when it comes to staying organized. However, with some simple strategies, students with ADHD can learn how to manage their time, keep their stuff organized, and be more focused on the task at hand.ย  Here are some organization tips for students with ADHD. ADHD Students should use a calendar or planner: A planner or calendar can be an effective tool for managing time and keeping track of assignments and deadlines, especially for students with ADHD who often struggle with managing their time. By having a visual representation of their schedule, students with ADHD can better organize their time and reduce the…

With our kids starting school in just over a month, many first-time Kindie moms are beginning to feel like they canโ€™t be prepared enough for what is about to happen. From the emotional rollercoaster, the school lunches, routine changes, worries about our kidsโ€™ making friends, eating their lunch, and all the other elements of independence theyโ€™re about to embark on. Itโ€™s hard to know where to begin with getting our kids prepared. Here is how to prepare for Kindergarten; tips from a teacher and mom. The only thing most of us know for sure is weโ€™re about to be a sobbing mess on that first day of school. Have I prepared my little one for this?ย ย  We asked Kindie parent and teacher, Ms. McNulty, what tips she would give to other parents. What does she expect kindies to know on the first day of class, and how sheโ€™s preparing her…

Dyslexia is a word we hear thrown around often, but many parents donโ€™t fully understand what it means or how to recognize it. If your kids are struggling to read, and youโ€™re worried that these struggles may be beyond regular development, then youโ€™ll want to read on! We asked Heather McNulty, a reading expert, to help us break down the reading process. Here are the signs your child may be dyslexic, what to do next, how to advocate and tips on successfully helping your kids learn to read. In fact, even if your child isnโ€™t dyslexic, youโ€™ll probably find this very helpful as your little ones start to learn to read, enter kindergarten and take an interest in reading. So arm yourself with these tips, and youโ€™ll find you and your little one will have a smoother transition into the literary world! So, what is Dyslexia? Dyslexia โ€œis a neurologically…

Weโ€™re just a few weeks into the school year, and weโ€™ve finally conquered the back-to-school first-week nerves (not yet? Sending love). Just as we start to think to count down the morning struggles, we begin to think that maybe, just maybe, we can handle the morning routine. The moment we let our guard down, thinking weโ€™ve got this, we start to see a new pattern arisingโ€”After School Restraint Collapse, a term coined by Andrea Loewen Nair.Maybe for your kindie, itโ€™s a total out-of-control meltdown, or for your tween, itโ€™s acting quiet and grumpy. However it looks in your household, itโ€™s likely hard to manage. Itโ€™s also a little disheartening; youโ€™re excited to see your kids and hear all about their day, and you get nothing but mumbled grunts in return.ย ย  This is normal. Itโ€™s manageable, and itโ€™s very, very common. After School restraint Collapse, a term coined only a few…

Believe it or not, Back to School is upon us just around the corner, and itโ€™s time we start thinking about what we may need to purchase for our kids.ย  As experts in the back-to-school arena, weโ€™ve often been asked what each grade requires for school. Itโ€™s tough to answer as each school district and each teacher is so different in what theyโ€™ll require. But if youโ€™re starting to shop before your school list comes out, you can look here at what the most common items are for each grade level; itโ€™s a good starting point and give or take a few items, this back-to-school supply list will be a good reflection of what you may need. Another thing to keep in mind (for all USA residents) is to consider doing your shopping on tax-free weekends. A full list of tax-free school supply shopping weekends can be found here. Kindergarten…

One of the most exciting things about our kids starting a new school year is hearing all about it. But, in fact, that rarely happens. Kids are notorious for giving one-word answers or clamming up when we ask about their days. It can be heartbreaking to parents who want open lines of communication and are eager to hear the details of their kidsโ€™ day. Kidsโ€™ minds work differently than adults; developmentally, theyโ€™re just not ready to recall all the details of their day after school. Unfortunately, this is often the time that we see meltdowns happening or our chatty kiddos shutting down. But donโ€™t worry, this is normal. While we may think we need to embrace what happens at school, stays at school but not all hope is lost. Here are a few tips to help your kids open up about their school day. 1) Donโ€™t bombard them with questions.ย ย …