
Kids Sports


Being a cheer or dance parent can have its challenges; it can be exhausting and time-consuming. You need to keep very organized, supportive and involved! You’ll be wearing many hats, from chauffeur, hair stylist, nutritionist, chef, personal assistant, travel agent, psychologist, and probably even a few more! All of these jobs are equally important. But the most important of all, is the role of supportive parent. Managing all of these can be very hard. Here are some tips to ensuring you’re a supportive parent and managing the expectations of your cheerleader and the studio they represent. Tips to be a supportive cheer parent: Don’t lose perspective: Wins, losses, scholarship opportunities, status and endorsements can cloud judgment and cause a parent to lose perspective. This can ruin the experience for your child and negatively affect the coaches, other team members, parents and officials.  Remember – we are working with kids here!…

Most kids give sports a try at some point in their childhood. If it takes, and they enjoy it and keep it up, it usually becomes a big part of the week for the whole family. Many parents who never considered themselves sporty suddenly find themselves soccer, hockey, or dance moms. We’ve all heard the stories of dance moms (heck, there is a show about them!); it’s essential to remind yourself that your kids’ participation and enjoyment of a sport can depend on your attitude as a sports parent. Your attitude and character as sports parent also teach your child life-long skills, respect, good sportsmanship. Being a good sports parent involves supporting and encouraging your child’s interest in sports while setting appropriate boundaries and expectations. Your job as parents includes providing transportation to practice and games, helping with equipment and uniforms, and being a positive role model by displaying sportsmanship.  …