
parenting hacks


The soother, pacifier, sucky or binky… whatever you call it, weaning off it can be challenging. The pacifier is both a blessing and a curse for parents, as is the process of getting rid of it! However, it is an important step towards their development. Too many years of a soother can lead to dental problems and speech delay (unfounded scientifically, although it does limit the opportunities to babble, resulting in late talkers). Here are some unique ways to wean off a soother/pacifier, including a few ideas you haven’t tried! Word of warning: it may not be fun. When is the best time to wean off a pacifier/soother: Sleep experts show that weaning between 6 – 9 months of age is the easiest time. Beyond that, the child may have developed an emotional attachment to the soother, which can make it harder to remove. After the age of 2, watch…