


Congrats, new mom! So, you’re thinking about postpartum recovery? Postpartum recovery comes with its own set of challenges, and one of the most common concerns is managing postpartum bleeding (yep, we’re gonna go there!) With so many different types of underwear on the market, choosing the right postpartum underwear can feel overwhelming. We’re breaking down the pros and cons of two popular options: disposable postpartum underwear and period-proof, non-disposable underwear. Hopefully, this will help you decide which option suits your postpartum recovery journey. If you’re a first-time mom, it’s hard to know what will suit you best – but hopefully, reading the pros and cons, something will resonate with you and give you a starting point of what you’d like to try! Disposable Postpartum Underwear: Pros and Cons Pros of Disposable Postpartum Underwear: Convenience and Ease of Use: One of the biggest advantages of disposable postpartum underwear is its convenience.…