
preparing for daycare


As a parent, one of the biggest worries when it comes to sending your kiddo to childcare is the spread of germs. Daycares can be a hotbed for germs, with little ones constantly touching and sharing toys. But don’t worry, childcare providers are superheroes in keeping our little ones happy and healthy. And hey, a few sniffles here and there just mean your child’s immune system is getting stronger! However, there are ways to limit the spread of germs and keep your child healthy. Here are the easiest ways to limit daycare germs: 1. Keep Your Child Home When They’re Sick When your little one is under the weather, it’s best to keep them at home instead of sending them to daycare. Not only will this ensure that other kids don’t catch the bug, but it will also help your child feel better faster. Remember to follow your daycare’s sick…

The end of maternity leave is a very sad time for many mothers. It can make you feel sick with a mix of emotions: guilt, anxiety, sadness, and fear. It’s also liberating for some moms, those who feel the need to get their life and career moving again. Moms can be excited to have new challenges outside of the home. However you feel about it, we can all agree that the logistics are complex. From packing to pick-up times, it’s not an easy transition to make. Nobody can take the anxiety away, but we can help ease the logistical challenge and steer you in the right direction with getting more organized for the next step. Why Labeling for Daycare is Essential This is a question we used to get quite often at Mabel’s. Today, in post-pandemic life. We want to avoid germy mix-ups. This is, by far, the number one…