
Summer Activities


With summer in full swing, I’m sure most parents are wondering how to keep their kids entertained, with the cost of living increasing it’s becoming more difficult to take a group of kids for a day out to an amusement park, or zoo. Many parents are finding themselves at home, trying to fill the day without relying too heavily on screens.  There are ways to thrive this summer, and not just survive. You can easily incorporate some Montessori principles into your summer routine that will make your life much easier, give your children independence, and have a fun and successful summer without overspending! Embrace the wonders of nature: budget-friendly outdoor adventures. Plan for a mix of structure and free play each day. This balanced approach not only keeps your children engaged but also reassures you that you’re providing a well-rounded summer experience. Montessori principles in your summer routine: Morning predictable…

As a parent, you may feel the need to entertain your child and keep them busy constantly. However, did you know that allowing your child to experience boredom can actually be beneficial for their development? Yes, boredom can benefit kids!  Boredom may seem like a negative experience, but it can actually encourage creativity, imagination, and self-reflection. Yes mama! It’s okay for them to be bored, so relax a little this summer!  Some of the ways that boredom can benefit your kids.  Bored kids use their imagination.   When a child is bored, they are forced to rely on their own imagination to come up with things to do. This can lead to the development of new interests and hobbies, as well as the ability to entertain oneself without external stimuli. Provide them with music, or art supplies in the home, give them access to sports equipment or even just a ball in the garage, and they will find their way to them. Next, all the neighborhood kids are playing a game…

We would all love Summer to be an idyllic time with our kids, but let’s be real – it isn’t. If, like many parents, you find yourself constantly dealing with nagging your children to do menial tasks, then you’re not alone!   Summer is a great time to start a chores list with your kids. Giving your kids chores teaches them responsibility, allows them to earn screentime (or whatever that may be in your house) and teaches them that chores are a necessary part of life and a part of working together as a family to keep a household running. Here is a list of chores by age that your kids can do summer, plus some added tasks that can help you out, and teach them about earning money, and prepare for their first job. Firstly, every child should be responsible for their own stuff, and their own personal care chores…

As the school year comes to an end, parents are already be worrying about how to keep their children entertained. While sending your child off to the camp seems like an exciting option to many, we understand why some parents might have some reservations about it. Many families find summer camps a little unaffordable, while others are still worried about covid19. If you’re not headed off to camp and find yourself wracking your brain over how to make your child’s holiday fun with activities, take a look at these ideas that might work for your family! You can also plan one activity per day for an entire whole week, and have something to look forward to every day! Movie Marathon On The Balcony/ Backyard Children of all ages enjoy watching movies, especially when they are snuggled up with their parents. It will also give the parents a much needed down…