
Mabel's Labels


We’re just a few weeks into the school year, and we’ve finally conquered the back-to-school first-week nerves (not yet? Sending love). Just as we start to think to count down the morning struggles, we begin to think that maybe, just maybe, we can handle the morning routine. The moment we let our guard down, thinking we’ve got this, we start to see a new pattern arising—After School Restraint Collapse, a term coined by Andrea Loewen Nair.Maybe for your kindie, it’s a total out-of-control meltdown, or for your tween, it’s acting quiet and grumpy. However it looks in your household, it’s likely hard to manage. It’s also a little disheartening; you’re excited to see your kids and hear all about their day, and you get nothing but mumbled grunts in return.   This is normal. It’s manageable, and it’s very, very common. After School restraint Collapse, a term coined only a few…

Updated June 2023, as many school districts have canceled all outdoor activities due to poor air quality, it seems like a good time to remind ourselves of the importance and impact climate change can have on our daily lives. One day your children will ask what is climate change? It’s important and imperative for us to teach our children to understand climate change’s impact on our planet. Our kids and teens must understand the reality of what is going on. Or you may have a child or teen growing into a climate warrior, which can sometimes be tricky for parents to navigate. There are ways to help our kids understand climate change. To encourage them, and work with them to ensure that we’re doing the right thing for our planet, not only for ourselves, but for all plants, animals, and interesting creatures who live on it. They have a right to know. …

Believe it or not, Back to School is upon us just around the corner, and it’s time we start thinking about what we may need to purchase for our kids.  As experts in the back-to-school arena, we’ve often been asked what each grade requires for school. It’s tough to answer as each school district and each teacher is so different in what they’ll require. But if you’re starting to shop before your school list comes out, you can look here at what the most common items are for each grade level; it’s a good starting point and give or take a few items, this back-to-school supply list will be a good reflection of what you may need. Another thing to keep in mind (for all USA residents) is to consider doing your shopping on tax-free weekends. A full list of tax-free school supply shopping weekends can be found here. Kindergarten…

  IE… What!? Understanding your child’s IEP  Any parent knows that there is no official parenting handbook. We’re all just winging it, googling it, and trial and error. For parents of kids with additional needs, this couldn’t be truer. From navigating complex medical issues, behavioral anomalies, etc., the paperwork and processes are tiresome and arduous before they’ve even started school. Then, just when you think you may have it all figured out, school starts, and a new process begins. The problem with these systems is that the industry leaders have years of knowledge; it’s what they do for a living. But it’s up to the parents to navigate this unfamiliar system with no prior training, no handbook, and often little to no support. It can feel like representing yourself at a trial you have no previous knowledge of.   Many expressed how concerning, anxiety-inducing, and fear-provoking the initial special education evaluation and IEP…

Now that your child has settled in to a school routine, it’s a good time to talk about setting goals and working toward them. This is a life skill, as there will always be things your child wants to achieve or areas where she needs to improve.

Does your child have a goal for this school year? It may be to get a higher grade in math, read a popular book series independently, or participate more frequently in class discussions. To help get the ball rolling, we’ve got tips and strategies to guide your child through goal setting.

Many working parents are transitioning from school mornings to camp mornings and will quickly discover that it’s no less chaotic than the school year.  Your morning will look different depending on the camp, the daily activity and even the weather. It’s not as easy as the school year when you’ve settled into a routine. Here are some things to consider packing and preparing in the weeks leading up to camp to help yourself have smooth mornings. This list is everything you’ll need to know for how to pack and label for day camp. Labels:  Firstly, you need a label pack! Everything that goes back and forth each day will need to be labelled. These are all new kids, and there will likely be look-a-like items. Plus, with new kids, they can’t easily tell who’s is who. Labels are essential and often mandated at camp. The best pack for day camp…

Camp season is equal parts excitement and stress. Your kids may be nervous, and you’re probably overwhelmed. It can be tricky to know what exactly to pack for your kids. Here is a sleepaway camp pack list that may reduce your stress a little bit; the list comprises notes from experienced camp moms and kids. Labels– Before ANYTHING goes into your bag, make sure it has a name label! This is non-negotiable. Here’s the best option. TOILETRIES: Toiletries Caddy– A waterproof caddy for bringing all their items to the showers; it’s ok if it gets wet. And it means they always have everything they need for the shower with them. Bug Spray– make sure it’s something you’ve used before so your child doesn’t discover an irritation at camp. Hydrocortisone– or something similar to soothe itchy skin. Sunblock– Don’t leave home without it, ever. Make sure it’s waterproof (not just water…