New year, new beginnings! It’s the time of year when we start to look around our house and discover that some areas are a hot mess. The media tells us that this is the time to find a fresh start, clean-up and get organized. So here we are – looking at our pantries and realizing this is an area that really needs so organization. And organization means LABELS! We love the look of a neatly labeled pantry. And perfectly cute pantry canisters labels. Not only can you be a feel organized, but in doing so you your pantry into something Pinterest worthy, and that’s so satisfying. However, here in lies the problem – cannister commitment issues. It’s so hard to commit to a canister with a beautiful label if we’re worried it might change. We’re here to tell you show you 5 ways you can move beyond cannister commitment issues.…
We often discuss kids’ safety on Halloween, wearing bright colors, crossing the street, and checking candy. But as our kids become tweens, the rules seem to change, and there isn’t as much info floating around on Halloween safety for teens and tweens, especially in modern-day society. Eventually, our kids will reach a point when they wander out without adults or perhaps attend a party. The rules are different. While we want them to be independent and have fun with their friends, it’s also essential to send them into the world armed with all the tools to stay safe. Your must talk to them before going out. As painful as they may find it – it’s super important. Read safety tips to make yourself aware of and open the discussion up with your tweens and teens. Tips: Pick a route ahead of time. Make all the parents aware of this route…