As a parent,Β it can beΒ toughΒ to seeΒ your teen struggling with exam stress.Β The pressure to perform well canΒ take a toll on their mental and emotional well-being, which can then have an effect on their physical health too!Β  However,Β there are several ways you can support your teen during exams and help them develop coping skills that they can take with them through life.Β Here are some tips to help your teen manage exam stress effectively: 1. Encourage a healthy lifestyle, especially leading up to exam time Encourage your teen to eat well and take care of themselves leading up to, and during exam periods. ThisΒ includes getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, andΒ staying physically active. Regular exercise can help reduce stress and improve mood, so encourage your teen to take short breaks for physical activity, go for a walk or bike ride with friends (this will help them get exercise, plus time with friends can…

When it comes to feeding your little one, choosing the right baby bottles is crucial. While various options are available, glass baby bottles have been gaining popularity lately, and for good reasons. Many parents think of glass baby bottles as being quite, well, vintage. Glass baby bottles used to be made with lighter-grade glass that could break, which is why plastic baby bottles became the norm. However, glass baby bottles have changed significantly and are now viewed as high-quality products. Many new parents are finding the benefits of using glass baby bottles and discovering why they might be the perfect choice for you and your baby. Are Glass baby bottles safer than plastic?Β  One of the big advantages of glass baby bottles is that they are free from potentially harmful chemicals. Unlike plastic bottles, which may contain BPA or other harmful substances, glass bottles offer a safe. Now, that’s not…

As a parent, you mayΒ feel theΒ need to entertain your child and keep them busy constantly.Β However,Β did you know thatΒ allowing your child to experience boredomΒ canΒ actually be beneficial for their development? Yes, boredom can benefit kids!Β  Boredom may seem like a negative experience, but it can actuallyΒ encourage creativity, imagination, and self-reflection.Β YesΒ mama! It’s okay for them to be bored, so relaxΒ a littleΒ this summer!Β  Some of the ways that boredom can benefit your kids.Β  Bored kids use their imagination.Β Β  When a childΒ isΒ bored, they are forced to rely on their own imagination to come up with things to do.Β This can lead to the development of new interests and hobbies, as well as the ability to entertain oneself without external stimuli.Β Provide themΒ with music,Β or art supplies in the home, give themΒ accessΒ to sports equipment or even just a ball in the garage, and they will find their way to them. Next, all the neighborhood kids are playing a game…

We often assume a β€œbully” is a bad kid and don’t give it much more thought. In reality, many children can exhibit bullying behavior if put in the wrong circumstances. The motivations and triggers vary from child to child. Kids who experienced bullying in the past or have significant challenges at home can sometimes exhibit bullying actions. Kinds with underlying problems β€” that we’ll talk about later β€” can show the behavior. What do you do if the school or a parent notifies you that your child’s involved with bullying? What to do you when your child is being a bully? What steps do you take? Nobody wants that call. But if it happens, every parent wants to handle the situation correctly. You’d want to explore causes, stop the behavior, heal into a more positive mindset. But how do you get there? What to do you when your child is…

Veggie and herb gardening is a great way to get your kids outdoors and excited about a project! It’s an activity that requires their planning, regular upkeep and the best part? It has a reward at the end for all of their hard work! It’s also not very difficult, so with a little parental guidance and supervision, kids of any age can be involved in the process in some way. So, how to introduce kids to gardening in a way that’s enjoyable and interesting for them? Read on! Getting Your Kids Involved in Gardening Get them their own tools Kids love having their own set of tools, especially when they’re made specially for smaller hands! Kids’ gardening tool sets aren’t that expensive and easy to find online. Grab them a set and give it to them as a gift, or maybe let them help you pick one out. It will…

Keeping track of which bottle belongs to your little one can be a challenging task, especially if you’re using silicone baby bottles, swim goggles, pacifiers, pop-its, funky pencil cases or anything else kids have that’s silicone! While it’s easy to write your baby’s name on the bottles, you might find that the name labels keep falling off, making it difficult to keep track of which bottle or pacifier belongs to your baby at daycare. We’ve heard from many parents who have faced this issue and have tried various hacks like painter’s tape, electrical tape, and Sharpies, but nothing works. Painter’s and electrical tape often peel off, while Sharpies tend to rub off and leave your little one’s hands stained. If you’re struggling with this problem, you’re not alone! Fortunately, there are some solutions that you can try that will work and help you keep track of which bottle belongs to…

As you prepare for the summer camp season, here are some tips to help you become more environmentally responsible and save money by reducing, reusing, and recycling! By following these simple tips, you can positively impact the environment, and bonus – keep costs down! So, whether you’re packing for your kids to head off to summer camp or not, please keep our environment in mind. With a little effort and some eco-friendly camp prep, we can all work towards a more sustainable future. Give an old backpack new life. Empty out your child’s trusty school backpack or dig out an extra one from a previous year. Pre-treat any unsightly spots with stain remover and run it through a cold-water cycle in your washing machine. Hang it outdoors in the sun to dry. Spruce up the zipper pull with a keychain-style accessory or a personalized bag tag. The backpack’s makeover is…

Blended families face plenty of challenges. Differing parenting styles, new parent/child relationships, and intense logistics complicate everything about daily life. Blended families encounter lifestyle obstacles that other families simply do not. But you can overcome these challenges, it is possible to organize a blended home. Children and parents alike can work together to navigate the emerging family landscape. Every tool you can put on your belt is worth the time and investment. A well-organized, mindful home helps a family tackle those challenges by reducing stress, minimizing distractions, and literally improving their mental health. The science is clear on this: a clean, organized living space can enhance your relationships, while a cluttered and chaotic home makes everything harder. Tips to organize your blended household: Make a plan… together. Blended families often start from different places regarding organization. Do you keep your keys, wallet, and backpacks in the same place? Where do…

Being a cheer or dance parent can have its challenges; it can be exhausting and time-consuming. You need to keep very organized, supportive and involved! You’ll be wearing many hats, from chauffeur, hair stylist, nutritionist, chef, personal assistant, travel agent, psychologist, and probably even a few more! All of these jobs are equally important. But the most important of all, is the role of supportive parent. Managing all of these can be very hard. Here are some tips to ensuring you’re a supportive parent and managing the expectations of your cheerleader and the studio they represent. Tips to be a supportive cheer parent: Don’t lose perspective: Wins, losses, scholarship opportunities, status and endorsements can cloud judgment and cause a parent to lose perspective. This can ruin the experience for your child and negatively affect the coaches, other team members, parents and officials. Β Remember – we are working with kids here!…

Summer is approaching quickly (I can feel it in the air) and it’s never too early to start preparing and looking ahead. Most camps are already close to being fully booked up and are anxiously awaiting their campers.Β  Although it might be pulling at your heartstrings a little bit thinking of sending your little ones off to their first sleepaway camp, or even if you’re a seasoned overnight camp sender, the list of things to pack can be daunting to come up with on your own. With all of the lists we have to make as parents (the grocery list, the to-do list, all of the wish lists), we need all the help we can get! We’ve broken it down into 4 easy categories to better aid you when it comes to planning your shopping trip in advance. When we think outdoor camp you may only have things like bug…