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The hot toddy has been the favorite hot drink to warm up with during the coldest Fall and Winter months. Some people even swear hot toddy’s even help stave off those illnesses that plague us during those times and keep us healthy. I’m not convinced on that part, but I still enjoy indulging in a hot boozy drink from time to time. They are great to warm me up when it’s chilly outside!

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Fall is my favorite season during the year and my kids really love it too. The weather is cooler and the leaves are turning all the pretty colors. We get to sip our favorite drink – hot cocoa. And there is almost always lots of pretty fall decorations up around our neighborhood and community.

My kids love doing nature scavenger hunts so this year I created this fun Fall themed scavenger hunt with things kids might find during the Fall season. I included some of our favorite fall finds from apples to pumpkins a leaf pile and even someone’s hot drink! Maybe it’s hot cocoa or fresh apple cider or if it’s an adult, it could even be cup of coffee!


You wouldn’t think a dentist’s office and trick-or-treaters would have a common goal at this time of year, but Dr. Mayada Kheriba is trying to change that. Every year, her dental office in New Hamburg, Ontario hosts a “candy buy back” a week after Halloween, where kids can swap their extra candy for cash.

“We started it three years ago as an initiative to give back to the community,” says Dr. Kheriba. “The kids wear their costumes to the office and receive a dollar for every pound of candy they trade in. The candy is then donated to Ronald McDonald House at Sick Kids Hospital, where it is shared with young patients – along with their siblings and families – who may have missed out on Halloween.”