So, you’re the parent who always seems to be running late, has a never-ending pile of laundry, and might have once lost their phone in the refrigerator (true story!). And now, you’re tasked with teaching your child the art of organization. Panic not! You don’t need to turn into a model of perfection to guide your little ones toward becoming organized superstars, disorganized parents can teach organizational skills too! With a bit of creativity, a dash of humor, and a few practical tips, and some faking it, you can help them master organizational skills for school and life—even if you’re still working on finding your keys every morning. Here are some ways disorganized parents can teach their kids organizational skills. Turn Chaos into a Learning Opportunity: First off, let’s embrace the mess. If your house looks like a whirlwind hit it, don’t hide it—use it as a teachable moment. Be…

Baby bottles are a huge part of parenting, and sippy cups are super important when your little one is moving from bottles to regular cups. But you’ve got to take care of them to make sure they stay safe and work well! One big thing to keep in mind is when to switch out the bottle or sippy nipples or spouts. Here are tips on how often to replace baby bottle or sippy cups nipples and spouts, and how to know when it’s time to make the switch. How Often Should You Replace Baby Bottle or Sippy Cup Nipples or Spouts? The lifespan of sippy cup nipples or spouts can vary a lot based on the material, how often you use them, and how well you take care of them. As a general rule, it’s a good idea to swap these parts out every 1-3 months. Checking them regularly and…

Football is a game of athleticism, aggression, speed, toughness…. and of sweat-soaked equipment that absolutely reeks. As a football parent, you need to be ready to battle the odor, moisture and bacteria after every practice and game. Here are some all-pro tips to help wash your kids’ football gear. How to Wash Your Kids’ Football Helmet For the helmet’s outer surface, avoid using abrasive cleaners or coarse pads that may scratch the finish. Use a soft cloth to wipe off dirt and debris. For football helmets with removable inner pads, detach the padding and set aside. Use a soft cloth, warm water, and a mild detergent to clean the helmet shell and chin strap. To clean the pads, mix warm water with mild detergent and wipe the pads gently using a soft cloth. Let them dry and use a disinfectant spray to neutralize any remaining bacteria. Once all the parts…

The school day is a whirlwind of activities, lessons, and social interactions, and by the time your kids get home, they might be feeling a mix of exhaustion and excitement, resulting in the dreaded after school-restraint collapse. Helping them wind down properly can make the transition from school to home smoother and more enjoyable for the entire family. Here’s a guide to helping your kids wind down and relax after school to kids decompress and recharge in a way that eases the effects of the after-school restraint collapse Why do kids struggle with the after-school transition?   Kids often struggle with the after-school transition because it can be a big shift from the structured school environment to the more relaxed (or chaotic) atmosphere at home. The sudden change can be overwhelming after a day full of lessons, rules, and social interactions – the sudden ability to let it all go,…

Daycare or preschool is your little ones’ first step on the education journey!  It’s an essential place for children to develop educational and social skills and build self-confidence. Here are some things to look out for when choosing a daycare provider, and what to look for when choosing a daycare? What to look for when choosing a daycare?   It can be overwhelming to know where to begin when starting to sit down to look at options. When first starting to look at daycares in your area, here are a few things to consider looking into before you book a visit: Location, how does it work for you? Close to home or close to work? Look for a daycare that offers diverse activities throughout the week. A good mix of play, learning, and physical activities can keep your child engaged and aid their overall development. Appropriately qualified teachers Music, physical activities…

In recent years, homeschooling has surged in popularity, driven by various factors, from flexibility in education to customization of learning experiences. While homeschooling can be very beneficial, it also brings forth a unique challenge: setting boundaries between homeschooling and personal life. Finding this balance is crucial for students’ academic success and the well-being of parents who manage the homeschooling journey and the family as a whole. Here’s a closer look at how to effectively balance homeschooling and life. Understanding the Need for Boundaries: Homeschooling blurs the lines between home and school environments, creating a situation where work and personal life can easily overlap and become awkward for kids and parents. This overlap can lead to burnout, stress, and a feeling of being constantly “on duty.” Recognizing the need for boundaries is the first step in maintaining a successful homeschooling experience. How to Set Boundaries with Homeschooling: Establish Clear Daily Routines:…

Pregnancy is one wild ride filled with ups and downs. While moms-to-be take on the physical and emotional rollercoaster, dads are crucial in offering support and comfort during this exciting time. Here are some practical ways dads can be supportive during pregnancy: Being the Emotional Rock Pregnancy brings a ton of emotions for both partners. Dads can be the solid support by actively listening, offering reassurance, and being understanding. Little things like showing excitement about the baby, affection, and endless patience during mood swings make a difference. Book Prenatal Classes & Learn Together Getting informed about pregnancy can strengthen the bond between couples.  Hop online or call and research prenatal classes in your area to find out the details. These classes book quickly, so check the dates and confirm with the mother-to-be; she’ll melt in admiration as you share your research and take this off her to-do list. Sharing this…

With the back-to-school rush just around the corner, parents everywhere are frantically shopping for supplies, clothing, and new shoes. Choosing the right footwear is not just about style (although your kids will likely disagree); it’s about ensuring your child’s comfort, health, and readiness for the school year. Your kids will be spending up to 8 hours a day in their shoes, so it’s really important they fit well – take care of your feet, and your feet will take care of you! Here are some tips for buying kids’ school shoes. Tips for Buying Kids’ School Shoes: Getting the right fit is crucial when buying school shoes. Poor-fitting shoes can lead to discomfort, blisters, and even long-term foot problems. Here are some tips to ensure your child’s shoes fit correctly: Toe Room: There should be about a thumb’s width (approximately half an inch) between the end of the shoe and…

As school creeps up, there is one thing on our minds: back-to-school shopping! If you are big on pre-planning like me, you must already be thinking about school supplies. If your pint-sized scholar insists on lugging around their world in a backpack, you are at the right space. Fret not, my fellow parents, and read along to help you pick that special bag that can handle all their treasures while keeping them comfy. Top backpacks for kids. Here are the top picks for the kiddos who love to carry everything to school: JanSport SuperBreak Backpack  JanSport has been a trusted brand for ages, and their SuperBreak Backpack is a classic choice. It’s lightweight yet sturdy, making it ideal for kids who like to fill their bags to the brim. With a roomy main compartment and a handy front utility pocket, there’s plenty of space for all their essentials. Plus, it…

Going back to school is a big deal – and it can be an even bigger one if your child is starting at a new, unfamiliar school. We’ve got tips for kids starting at a new school, and strategies to help ease the stress, for both you and your child. Things to do before your child starts at a new school As always, you know your child best and are the most qualified person to customize these ideas for them. Some kids will benefit from lots of advance information, while others are better off taking each moment as it comes. Here are some proactive steps you can take before your child sets foot in the new school: Talk it through. This may be especially important for older kids who are more attached to their existing school and need time to wrap their heads around the change. Adopt the role of…