


The past few weeks have been a time of transition for parents all over the globe. We are now being tasked with being remote employees, homeschoolers, chefs, housekeepers, and the list goes on. Since we are stuck at home with our darling children, now is a great time to connect with them and keep them fed! Put those busy hands to work and have them help in the kitchen. Cooking at home with kids may sound stressful to some, but it doesn’t have to be. There are plenty of tasks that they can help with, and give your littles a sense of accomplishment. A win for everyone involved!

Life with children can be unpredictable. Things pop up out of the blue that you need to manage: various accidents and spills, an unexpected illness, birthday parties, and the dozens of other things you need to respond to week in and week out. While you can’t always plan for those things, there are elements of life with children that you can predict. And having systems in place is the key to staying organized even when life throws you a few curve balls.

Every vasectomy begins with a conversation. My husband and I knew we were done having kids, one and done was always what we wanted, and after our first child that thought never wavered. Our family felt complete. However; how we were going to move forward hadn’t yet been discussed. When I broached the subject of a vasectomy, I did so cautiously. I was concerned he’d act like I was sending his member to the guillotine. I prepared myself with the boring stuff about what you need to know about a vasectomy Luckily for me, it was met with “I agree, and I’m happy to book it” and I let out a sigh of relief, the hard part was over, for me at least. Now the ball was in his court, so to speak. Off he went to his consultation where they discussed the procedure, how it would be done and…

Top 10 Subscription Boxes For Moms

Being a mom is a busy job, no doubt about it. Regardless of if you’re a stay-at-home-mom or a mom who works in the corporate world, your hours are limited in the day. Luckily, we have the advantage of technology to make our time work for us! As a busy mom on-the-go myself, I love it when a little surprise package shows up on my doorstep that happens to be something other than a bill! Yes, I am talking about treating myself to a monthly subscription box that sparks a whole lot of joy in my life. There really is something for every mom (and her kids, too). I’ve rounded up the top 10 subscriptions for moms that can make our lives a littler easier, one box at a time!

Many of us have goals this year to be more organized around the house. And some of us also have a goal around healthy eating and wellness – everything from cooking more meals at home, eating less processed food, or making healthier choices that promote weight loss. These goals can be a challenge, but the good news is that you can tackle them both simultaneously by focusing on your pantry! They say the kitchen is the heart of the home – well, I say the pantry is the heart of the kitchen. Having an organized pantry can help you cook more, shop smartly and efficiently, and help foster the choices you and your family want to make with regard to food. And you can do all of this while creating a functional and aesthetically pleasing display just like those #pantrygoals posts on Pinterest!

So you’ve decided to get organized for the new year – Congratulations! This is the first step in the creation of a life for you and your family that has more order and clarity and less chaos and stress. You have many things to look forward to: knowing where something is when you need it, feelings of peace and calm when you enter your home, and you might even benefit financially from the fewer things you’ll likely be buying. In fact, studies show that the choice you’ve made might even improve your mental health, help you eat better, and increase your productivity.