At the risk of sounding like a birthday Grinch, I’ll admit: I don’t enjoy hosting my kids’ birthday parties, especially large ones. Does that make me a terrible parent? As a mom, I do some things very well, but organizing elaborate social gatherings is not one of them. I admire those of you who are party-planning pros, since my skills and confidence in this area are minimal. The weeks leading up to the so-called β€œfun” event to celebrate my child’s glorious arrival into the world are filled with tension, overanalyzes, self-doubt, and a long list of tasks and errands intended to make everything β€œperfect.” When you pause to think about it, it’s a little ironic. My child’s actual birth was (to put it delicately) an arduous experience for me. But does enduring those many hours of labor give me a free pass on the same date in every year that…

(Reposted March 2023, back by popular demand!)Β  I’ve always insisted on eating mostly organic and once I had kids, my obsession with wholesome food got even worse. For the most part, you can find really good organic food at your local grocery store. You may pay a pretty penny for it, but it’s there. The one thing I was not finding at my local stores, however, was organic bread. I can see why: it spoils easily if not kept in perfect conditions and eaten fairly quickly. I knew that if I wanted my family to eat really-good-for-you bread, I would have to find my own homemade sandwich bread recipe. Here’s the thing: I hate cooking. I hate baking. I pretty much hate being in the kitchen. I’m the type of wife/mom who does what’s necessary to put a nutritious meal on the table but don’t expect anything fancy (my husband,…

If I had to choose one word to describe Pisces, it would be…healer. After researching this sign, I’ve learned that one of the greatest features of Pisceans is their ability to heal others. So, if you’re expecting a little Pisces soon, or you already have one at home, you’ll always have an excellent supporter by your side. Or on your lap. Or clinging to your leg. Or knocking on the bathroom door while you’re just trying to do your thing in peace. Okay, that last part is true for ALL children – not just Pisces children. Here is how to raise a Pisces. Whenever I’m researching zodiac signs, I always think of the people I know who fall under each sign so I can see if the stereotypes match up. For Pisces I noticed – I don’t know a lot of Pisces. I’m usually able to think of at least…


(Updated Feb 2023, back by popular demand!)

Last year, my family and I made an effort to eat less meat. We started with β€œMeatless Mondays” and now we are aiming for β€œMeat-free Fridays” too. I wanted to come up with something that was still tasty and fun, yet packed with goodness. So after some brainstorming, I concocted my Greek-inspired Crispy Lentil, Spinach and Feta Fritters.

If you’re like me and have struggled to put your finger on exactly why it’s so damn hard to be and raise a girl or young woman these days, I have the book for you. Girls on the Brink is required reading for anyone desperate to understand the scientific, environmental and social causes that are creating a mental health crisis among girls and young women. Using new brain science to explain how our modern lifestyle is completely at odds with our girls’ unique psychological needs, author Donna Jackson Nakazawa provides crisp, digestible insights and advice that are easy for the layperson or the stressed-out, at her wit’s end parent to understand and put into action. Why do we need this book? It is estimated that one in four adolescent girls suffers from symptoms of major depression. Girls and young women are also twice as likely as their male counterparts to…

Encouraging girls to pursue careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) is important for promoting gender diversity and equality in these fields. Studies have shown that girls often have a strong interest in STEM subjects but may be discouraged from pursuing them due to societal stereotypes and lack of female role models. February 11 was proclaimed by the United Nationals to be the International Day of Women and Girls in Science to safeguard access to and participation of women and girls in science. Programs such as STEM education in schools, mentorship opportunities, and encouraging girls to participate in STEM competitions and activities can help to promote their interest and participation in these fields. But what about when they’re younger? How do we encourage them to be interested, stay interested and carry that through into their adult life? Β Here are some toys (great recommendations from our friends at Mastermind) as…

We know that a child’s deepest need, above all else, is to feel loved. Kids who feel loved grow up with fewer mental health challenges and are more emotionally stable. Kids who feel valued are more likely to find an emotionally healthy relationship. We often assume that our unconditional love is enough for our kids. We tell them we love them; we hug and kiss and say I love you daily. But what if we express love isn’t the same way they receive love? What if all theΒ I love you’sΒ don’t have the effect we think they do? Parents can often fall short of loving when we’re not doing it right for each kid. Parents tend to show love to their kids in the ways they wish to receive love themselves. The same goes for siblings; each child will receive love differently, and what makes one child feel loved may not…

When you experience the Sunday Scaries like I do – adding a Superbowl party into the mix brings me a great deal of anxiety. This year. I’m hosting *yikes* But I have done this before, so I know I can do it again! Here is the plan I followed previously, and I can proudly say, I had a great night! So, if you’re hosting the Superbowl this year – follow my tied and true tips to making it easy on yourself! You veggies & dip don’t need to be in the shape of a football stadium, and your dessert doesn’t need to be shaped like a football, believe me you’ll still have a good time! FOOD: Make a list This year with the price of groceries so high, I did some calculations and the amount of ingredients needed will cost far more than the cost of buying pre-made trays and…

When it comes to babies weaning, the only thing you can truly expect is that you won’t know what to expect. A great piece of advice is to go slow and follow their lead. Some babies can jump straight into anΒ open cup, and that’s amazing,Β maybe even preferable. But, for many, dealing with the constant spills is too much. Other times, babies have difficulty adjusting or having the motor skills to go straight to an open cup. Transitioning from breastfeeding to a sippy cup can be a long process, especially finding one that works well. The trial-and-error process can become frustrating and expensive, so have a game plan and research before buying cups.Β  A good rule of thumb is if they can sit up in a highchair, they’re probably ready to try a sippy cup. Of course, there may be babies where this rule may not apply, but as the parent,…