Most kids give sports a try at some point in their childhood. If it takes, and they enjoy it and keep it up, it usually becomes a big part of the week for the whole family. Many parents who never considered themselves sporty suddenly find themselves soccer, hockey, or dance moms. We’ve all heard the stories of dance moms (heck, there is a show about them!); it’s essential to remind yourself that your kids’ participation and enjoyment of a sport can depend on your attitude as a sports parent. Your attitude and character as sports parent also teach your child life-long skills, respect, good sportsmanship. Being a good sports parent involves supporting and encouraging your child’s interest in sports while setting appropriate boundaries and expectations. Your job as parents includes providing transportation to practice and games, helping with equipment and uniforms, and being a positive role model by displaying sportsmanship.Β Β …

A highly intelligent, deep thinker with a passion for fighting for causes. That might just be in your future if you have a little Aquarius running around or you’re expecting one soon. Wondering how to raise an Aquarius? While researching information about Aquarians, I noticed they were repeatedly described as intelligent, independent, but also β€˜unique’, or β€˜different’, and even β€˜eccentric’. Now, I’m no expert but Bob Marley, Guy Fieri, and Isla Fisher are just a few famous people born under this sign, so there might be some truth to that. Oh, and if you don’t think of Isla Fisher as that β€˜different’, keep in mind she’s married to Sacha Baron Cohen, aka Borat. I mean, you need to be a little off to be married to Borat, right? (I still love Isla Fisher though!) So, what else can you expect if you’re raising a little Water-Bearer or expecting one to…

A bag of sweaty hockey equipment is like a Holiday Inn for bacteria. When the zipper closes, it creates a damp, dark environment where bacteria will thrive, resulting in the pungent, unpleasant smell that hockey parents know so well. (Sorry to be the one to tell you, but as your young player enters the tween and teen years, it only gets worse!) I play hockey myself and have many hockey-parent friends, so I’ve compiled their best tips for washing hockey gear and keeping it as clean and odor-free as possible. Moisture is Your Opponent The number one tip was unanimous: dry it out. Immediately following each game or practice, every piece of equipment should be removed from the bag and hung up (or at least spread out) to dry. To facilitate this process, I purchased a metal β€œtree” style rack with rods that hold various pieces of equipment and allow…

A baby shower, a sprinkle or even a sip-and-see; call it what you will etiquette states they’re generally gift giving events. While showers can be bursting with love for a new mom, they are also a tricky social event to maneuver. It’s important to remember, all mothers are not created equally. If there is no shower registry (like this ideal list) or you decide to go rogue and avoid the registry there are a few considerations to be made when finding the perfect baby shower gift. The personality of the new parents. If mom is the sentimental type, you may look at a more traditional gift or keepsake. If she’s the fashionista Instagram mom, cute matching outfits will be loved. The more practical moms (raises hand) might rather have everyone pitch in for a good stroller, a baby carrier, or even cases of diapers!Β Β  Never underestimate the gift of help!…

It is a long-standing tradition in our family, that I publicly share my annual round up of β€œMom Fails” on the blog. They usually include things like forgetting to pick a kid up from the airport, dropping a kid off at the wrong hockey arena, and the usual things busy moms do. I always ask the kids what tops the list, and they are more than happy to share their ideas. For my top 2022 Mom Fails include: Going to high school parent teacher interviews wearing my pants inside out AND backwards. I remembered it was interview night about 10 minutes before my first appointment, so that is probably another fail and could explain my outfit. The MOMENT I walk in my house from the outside world, I immediately take off my β€œhard pants” (also known as jeans) and put on my track pants. I quickly threw on some cargo…

Is a baby on the way? Congrats!! Your life is about to become much more beautiful (and exhausting). Sharing the news of your little bundle’s arrival is probably on your mind; friends and family will be eagerly awaiting the exciting news.Β  Parents are planning to make the perfect announcement well ahead of time. But it can be hard to know what to say, when, and how to say it. Especially within a few hours of birth – you’re feeling overwhelmed and probably exhausted, so you’re probably not feeling very creative. With social media, it has never been easier to announce your baby’s arrival – but you still need to make it perfect!Β  The etiquette around birth announcements on social media is a little wishy-washy, so we want to ensure you share the news flawlessly. Here is a list of birth announcement ideas, captions and etiquette. We must keep in mind…

As a first-time parent, it can be hard to know what you need. When finances are tight, it starts to feel like you may be buying things you don’t need. Often this is the case; other times, you shock yourself with how many you need (I’m looking at you burp cloths!). You’ll receive many of the same gifts (blankets!), and sometimes you don’t get the gift you want. Here is a list of the must-haves versus the nice-to-haves. Plus, a few don’t bother items. If your budget allows for the nice-to-haves, they’ll make your life a little easier. But if you’re making these purchases on a budget, you’ll manage fine with these must-have baby items. Here is a FREE printable version of the list below. Must-have: Bassinet or crib Crib mattress Mattress protector Bedding Baby Monitor (unnecessary for smaller houses and apartments) Nice…

Winter birthdays can be a challenge for parents who want to throw a fun and memorable party for their kids. With the cold weather and limited outdoor activities, it can be difficult to come up with ideas that will keep the kids entertained. But fear not! With a little creativity and planning, you can throw the perfect winter birthday party that your child and their friends will love. Here are some cost-effective winter birthday party ideas kids will love: 1. Snowman Building Contest If you’re lucky enough to have snow on the ground, make the most of it with a snowman-building contest. Split the kids up into teams and see who can build the best snowman. Provide them with a variety of accessories, such as hats, scarves, and carrots for the nose. And of course, hot cocoa and cookies are a must after all that hard work! If you have…

New year, new beginnings! It’s the time of year when we start to look around our house and discover that some areas are a hot mess. The media tells us that this is the time to find a fresh start, clean-up and get organized. So here we are – looking at our pantries and realizing this is an area that really needs so organization. And organization means LABELS! We love the look of a neatly labeled pantry. And perfectly cute pantry canisters labels. Not only can you be a feel organized, but in doing so you your pantry into something Pinterest worthy, and that’s so satisfying. However, here in lies the problem – cannister commitment issues. Β It’s so hard to commit to a canister with a beautiful label if we’re worried it might change. We’re here to tell you show you 5 ways you can move beyond cannister commitment issues.…