My family’s move from Canada to the United States two and a half years ago came with much anxiety and trepidation. I thought about living in Trump’s America, and about guns, school shootings, and the cost of health care. But never in my wildest, most fevered nightmares did I ever imagine I was moving my daughters to a place where they’d grow up having fewer rights than I or their grandmother did. Usually, it’s not that hard to convince ourselves we’re safe. Bad things happen everywhere but statistically, they’re unlikely to happen to us. But all that’s changed with the Supreme Court’s repeal of Roe vs. Wade. Now, the bad thing is at our doorstep. So how do I raise my daughters in a country that doesn’t respect them; a country that punishes them for having a uterus? How do we stomach living in a place that allows for the…

If you were to ask my boys, they would tell you that kids born in the summer months are the luckiest because they NEVER have to go to school on their birthday. My oldest kind of got the short end of the stick when it comes to birthdays though. He was born in early September, and his birthday has been the first day of school on more than one occasion throughout the years. In fact, he started JK on his 4th birthday. In my defense though, he was 10 days late! He was supposed to be an August baby. I blame him. Now while I don’t have any summer babies of my own, I do have three nephews and one niece who were born during the summer months. Two of them were born under the sign, Cancer. While exploring the stereotypical characteristics of Cancers, I would have to say they…

The daddy-daughter relationship is a huge and important one. Inevitably, it will change as your little girl grows up. We all know it will happen, yet so few dads are prepared. It often occurs far younger and much quicker than many dads know. So it’s time we open up the conversation with our girls and start teaching dads how to navigate this awkward time so it isn’t so uncomfortable. Dads need to learn how to support their daughters through puberty.Β  Β  It hit me hard when I learned that 3 out of 10 girls experienceΒ puberty at the age of 8. That means you only spend about 8-10 years parenting your little girl. The rest of the time, you’re parenting your daughter as a woman. So, it’s about time we focus on what it means to parent a young woman.Β  Β Did you know? Studies have shown that since the covid pandemic,…

As the school year comes to an end, parents are already be worrying about how to keep their children entertained. While sending your child off to the camp seems like an exciting option to many, we understand why some parents might have some reservations about it. Many families find summer camps a little unaffordable, while others are still worried about covid19. If you’re not headed off to camp and find yourself wracking your brain over how to make your child’s holiday fun with activities, take a look at these ideas that might work for your family! You can also plan one activity per day for an entire whole week, and have something to look forward to every day! Movie Marathon On The Balcony/ Backyard Children of all ages enjoy watching movies, especially when they are snuggled up with their parents. It will also give the parents a much needed down…

With the summer months now upon us, we’ll be getting outside more, swimming, and enjoying the hot weather. However, we must never forget that anytime we’re near water, it’s important to remember the dangers that can come with it. Swim and water safety tips for kids are crucial to remember in the summer months, and so important to brush up on your swim and water safety skills.Β Β  Β As you spend time in the water, it is essential to remember the importance of swim safety. Being knowledgeable about swimming and water safety can spell the difference between a fun time in the water or an increased risk of drowning, whether in a pool, river, or lake. We spoke withΒ Bear Paddle infant swim lessons, where they teach basic water safety. They reminded us that learning how to swim is a gradual process that can be improved over time. Children can start with…

Studies show that many students these days have little skills when entering the real world. We live in a world with helicopter parents and apps that do everything for us, but we need to be teaching our kids actual skills. Some students have little to no understanding of how to cook a meal, manage their money, do laundry or even how to make a phone call for themselves! They’re increasing having difficulty transitions from home to college, and that responsibility begins at home. The younger you can teach your kids these basic life skills the more confident they become overall. It’s so important that parents don’t do everything for our kids, we need to let them fail a little, we need to give them the knowledge needed to be independent. Here are some basic life skills to teach your tween or teen to set them up for success. Β Transportation:Β  Β How…

Ahhhh, Geminis. As someone who lives in a house with not just one butΒ TWOΒ Geminis, you’d think I’d be an expert on what to expect, right? Well, full disclosure…I’m not. Not even a little bit. My husband is a Gemini, and our youngest son is a Gemini as well, and I can at least tell you one thing from personal experience – it’s never boring.Β Here are some tips on how to raise a Gemini.Β  While I was researching the stereotypical traits of Geminis, I found myself nodding along and smiling because some of them were completely spot-on for either my husband, my son or BOTH! Maybe that’s why they butt heads so much. They’re too much alike! Or perhaps it’s the mood swings Geminis are known for. Of course, they’re known for being affectionate too, so hopefully, things balance out.Β Β  Now until June 20, we’re celebrating Gemini. So, what can you…

As parents, we know how our relationship with our children significantly affects how they will turn out as adults. Parents, however, are not the only close relationships that inspire the children. For example, studies have shown how significant grandparents are in children’s lives and how living close to them can affect their well-being. In my experience, the impact of the grandparents has has a positive effect on their development. I am an immigrant from Pakistan. Living in a joint family system is a norm there. I was raised living in the same household as my grandparents. I had my daughters in the same household as their grandparents until they turned 5 and 3 years old. My daughters enjoyed being pampered by their maternal and paternal grandparents while we lived in Pakistan and still share a unique bond with them, even while being thousands of miles away from them. Bilingualism My…

I am not usually the weepy type, but the other day, all it took was a small moment at a school bus. It was around 8:45 a.m. and I was driving to the grocery store, taking the β€œback way” to avoid traffic. As luck would have it, I ended up behind a school bus. I groaned inwardly as I realized I was now the second vehicle in a slow-moving convoy that would be making frequent stops. As I pulled up behind the motionless bus, I looked over and saw a dad dressed in work boots waving dutifully. As the wheels began slowly rolling forward, the dad blew a kiss toward one of the bus’s windows. Once it had moved on, he shyly turned and walked back to the house. Around the corner, we paused at another house, where a mom in slip-on sandals ushered her energetic child toward the bus.…

Toddlers are weird. Yea, I said it. You’ll have a hard time finding a mom who hasn’t questioned their behavior at some point and in some capacity. Parents are usually prepared for tantrums, crying, hitting, and even biting. But sometimes, our toddlers throw us for a loop when they do something outrageous that we’re not prepared for. So, when you find your toddler acting in a way that seems highly unsocial, bizarre, or harmful, we can worry about why it’s happening and whether we need to seek advice or be concerned. Often, the behaviors aren’t as destructive as we think. Here are a few common worrisome toddler behaviors that are actually totally normal. Some weird toddler behaviors that make us nervous wrecks but relax, mama; these odd things are normal: Hair twirling or pulling: This behavior can be alarming or frustrating if they’re tangling their hair. But, it’s simply…