The third Monday in January was coined “Blue Monday” several years ago when it was decided that it represented the saddest day of the year for people.

It gained this reputation was for a few reasons: At this point in January, the weather is a bit glum, the days are a bit dark and people are feeling a little financially strapped after over-spending during the holidays. Having those credit card bills roll in can certainly leave the best of us feeling a little unenthusiastic.

Yesterday I texted my daughter’s teacher the word pancakes.

Because, you know, we’re living in a pandemic and it’s back to work and trying to keep things ‘normal’ and not panic our faces off and do all the things while worrying about our jobs and waiting on the vaccine / worrying it will give us rickets (it won’t, don’t @ me) and not letting our eyes roll right out of our heads when someone says they’re doing ‘dry January’  and constantly answering questions like ‘hey mom, is a hot dog a sandwich?’ or ‘hey mom, would you rather fight a bear-sized duck or a duck-sized bear?’

In keeping with tradition, I’m going to share my best mom fails of 2020. My kids love gathering during the holidays and deciding where I screwed up most during the year. As a parent of six kids, I’ve definitely relaxed more with each child and my three biggest kids like to jokingly describe me as having been “a little asleep at the parenting wheel for the last three kids”. Truthfully, I’m not sure they’re actually joking.

During December, I often find myself craving Christmas flavours. Gingerbread, shortbread, sugar cookies and pumpkin pie – you name it! When it is cold and snowy outside, there is nothing better than sitting down to a Netflix series with a slice of Christmas on my plate! Since the beginning of the pandemic, however, I have been consciously trying to curb my comfort eating. Easier said than done during the holidays, right? In an effort to eat cleaner, I have also been trying to reduce the fat and sugar content in many of my traditional Christmas baking recipes, while attempting to not compromise taste. It is actually easier than you think!

We are less than a month away from Christmas! Where did November go? As the days get darker and colder, I find myself searching for ways to keep warm and awake, especially with the high amount of on-line shopping I am doing this holiday season! I like to browse while sipping on one of my favourite holiday-inspired hot drinks: Peppermint Mocha! Peppermint is such a Christmas flavour – combine that with coffee and one of my other favourite flavours, chocolate (of course!) and you have my favourite holiday caffeinated beverage.

It’s that time of the year – holiday baking season! By this point, you may have your Christmas tree and Christmas lights up, eagerly anticipating the holidays. In my house, I like to add to the Christmas sensory experience with some holiday baking and my Maple Gingerbread Oatmeal cups contain some of my favourite holiday flavours like maple and gingerbread. They literally fill my house with the smell of Christmas!

I was born less than a month before Christmas, and my brother was born less than a month after Christmas. Growing up I always remember my parents commenting on how it can sometimes be frustrating having children born so close to the biggest holiday of the year. In my case, they were planning Christmas gifts but also had to buy me a birthday gift around the same time. In my brother’s case, they had to buy him a gift right after he already received everything he ever wanted!

As we all prepare for a holiday season like no other, you may be feeling the pressure of making this year’s celebrations extra special for your kids to provide some much needed delight after the challenges of lockdowns, school closures, and cancelled birthday parties. The annual mission of finding the perfect gift for every age—one that is both fun and educational—is coupled with thoughts of a long winter spent at home where kids need to be kept entertained for hours. For some holiday shopping inspiration, look no further!