May is Celiac Disease Awareness Month. Celiac Disease (CD) is an autoimmune disease which includes an allergy to gluten. If someone has CD, then it is essential they follow a strict gluten-free diet. Gluten is a form of protein found in wheat, barley, rye, triticale, and many other grains. It is also found in many condiments via addition of grains such as most soy sauces, BBQ sauces, and salad dressings. Even trace amounts of gluten can evoke a negative reaction. Individuals have usually had less than optimal vitamin and mineral absorption prior to diagnosis so it is always good to have a proper assessment done and determine if any supplements are advised to help with any deficiencies. In terms of food preparation, here are a few tips to keep your home Gluten Free if a family member is diagnosed with CD.
We are a cheesy family.
Like any other mother, I love my child more than anything else in this world. I would die for him. My heart aches sometimes when I look at him just because he is such an amazing kid. I never knew love like this existed until I had him.
When we first realized that my son needed to be on a dairy-free diet, my biggest fears were around adequate protein and calcium in his diet. I know from being a dietitian that specializes in family nutrition that many other parents have faced this same concern. In honour of Allergy Awareness Week, I wanted to share a few tips with you if you have a child who needs a casein-free or casein-and-egg-free diet on ways to ensure nutritional adequacy. At the end, I’ve also included an Oatmeal Banana Flax Muffin recipe that’s a great nutrition boost for any time of day!
Mother’s Day is advertised as a day of relaxing and pampering, but what if you get stuck with (um, I mean, “receive the honour of”) hosting the gathering to celebrate it? Naturally, you’ll want to make the experience extra nice for the assembled moms, which may include your mom, mother-in-law, grandma, sister or sister-in-law, among others.
Recently my dear friend Maggie passed away after succumbing to complications from a battle with cancer. When my husband and I decided to attend her celebration of life with our children, we got a few raised eyebrows because many believe this isn’t the place for kids. But I’m glad we brought them and here’s why.
I don’t know about you, but I didn’t go into pregnancy thinking that it would end up having a C-section. I knew it was a possibility, but most of us tend to think that things will happen just like they do in the movies, right? You know, our water will break, we’ll go into labour, we’ll push out a baby and we’ll look fantastic afterwards!
Listen up y’all. There’s a new trend out there called a “Baby Sprinkle” and we need to put a stop to it.
“Baby Sprinkles” are low-key versions of baby showers. They’re for moms who don’t want a fuss made over them at baby time.
I’m sorry, WHAT?
For as long as I can remember, protecting our planet was always an important part of my education growing up. We were always taught to recycle and respect our planet.
Dear Forgotten Husband,
I know things have changed and that it seems like you’re my last priority these days.
In the mornings, your kiss goodbye comes when I’m grumpy and groggy from a night of nursing the baby, and am clinging to my last moments of sleep before breakfast demands begin.