I get a lot of questions about sleep – from clients of babies and clients of toddlers, moms and dads, grandma and grandpas, inexperienced parents, and parents who are on their eighth child. I have answered questions on the phone, via email, through text message, in line at the farmers’ market, and in the bathroom at Starbucks. I… have… heard… it… all.

A few questions never get old; they are asked over and over again because they are top of mind for virtually all parents of babies and young children. So, here are parents’ top sleep questions: a sleep consultant answers the biggest hurdles to those baby sleep challenges!

The soother, pacifier, sucky or binky… whatever you call it, weaning off it can be challenging. The pacifier is both a blessing and a curse for parents, as is the process of getting rid of it! However, it is an important step towards their development. Too many years of a soother can lead to dental problems and speech delay (unfounded scientifically, although it does limit the opportunities to babble, resulting in late talkers). Here are some unique ways to wean off a soother/pacifier, including a few ideas you haven’t tried! Word of warning: it may not be fun. When is the best time to wean off a pacifier/soother: Sleep experts show that weaning between 6 – 9 months of age is the easiest time. Beyond that, the child may have developed an emotional attachment to the soother, which can make it harder to remove. After the age of 2, watch…

As a parent, one of the biggest worries when it comes to sending your kiddo to childcare is the spread of germs. Daycares can be a hotbed for germs, with little ones constantly touching and sharing toys. But don’t worry, childcare providers are superheroes in keeping our little ones happy and healthy. And hey, a few sniffles here and there just mean your child’s immune system is getting stronger! However, there are ways to limit the spread of germs and keep your child healthy. Here are the easiest ways to limit daycare germs: 1. Keep Your Child Home When They’re Sick When your little one is under the weather, it’s best to keep them at home instead of sending them to daycare. Not only will this ensure that other kids don’t catch the bug, but it will also help your child feel better faster. Remember to follow your daycare’s sick…

Mom life is wonderful, but it can be easy to get lost in the everyday chaos of parenting. What is new math? Do those shoes still fit? Have you eaten a vegetable today? When is that dentist appointment? Do we REALLY have another PA Day coming up?? It’s no surprise why we start to wonder about the reasons to be thankful for our kids. While I love my kids more than anything in the world, that love comes with extra feelings like guilt, worry, and exhaustion. There are times when you stare at your kids’ beautiful faces and are overwhelmed with joy, and times you stare at the clock and count the minutes until bedtime. (For what it’s worth, the latter doesn’t make you a bad person.) When things get crazy and I’m beating myself up for forgetting to sign my kid’s reading log because I was busy doing ONE…

Packing your hospital bag is an important and exciting job before your baby arrives! A well-organized hospital bag ensures you have all the essentials for yourself, your newborn, and your partner.Β  Being prepared ahead of time will allow you to feel less stressed out in the weeks leading up to the baby’s arrival, and once in the hospital, it will make your stay much more comfortable (and when in the hospital, we need all the comfort we can get!). Many new parents turn to the internet to ask what to pack in their hospital bag for their 2024 birth. Firstly, make sure you pack your hospital bag ahead of time. It often seems daunting, so we put it off, but believe me… you do not want to get caught off-guard and end up at the hospital without a bag! The hilarious (in hindsight) items your partner will pull together in…

Halloween is just around the corner, and with it comes the annual question: what age is too old for trick-or-treating? The debate continues year after year, and I often hear, β€œTeens shouldn’t be trick-or-treating.”  As a mother of six tweens/teens, I firmly believe that there is no age limit to enjoying the holiday spirit. In fact, to those people, I say, get over it. It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that Halloween is just for little kids. But the truth is, teenagers are still growing up and exploring their identities. Dressing up in costumes and going door-to-door for treats is a fun and harmless way for them to do just that. And let’s face it, who doesn’t love a good piece of candy? Of course, there are some concerns that come with older kids trick-or-treating. Some worry that they might be too scary or intimidating to younger…

Taking the school bus can be a scary responsibility for kids and very overwhelming for parents. But it doesn’t have to be. Talking to your kids about the bus being prepared and organized can make the bus system a good experience for kids. But how do you do that exactly? Here are school bus safety tips for kids, great tips to talk about and be prepared for. School Bus Rules for Parents to Be Aware of: Β Β Β  There can sometimes be confusion about the bus procedure and where the responsibility lies. Here are some general rules that most school districts and bus companies follow that are good for parents to be aware of. -It’s the responsibility of the parents to understand the safety procedures and talk about them with their child. -Parents are responsible for their children until they board the bus and again immediately as they step off the…

School days can be long and exhausting – not only for your kids but for us parents too! Even though you fill their lunch boxes daily with healthy, nutritious, and delicious snacks… they somehow come home starving, and they seem like they won’t breathe another day if they don’t immediately get some sort of food item in them. It’s hard to not only keep it healthy but also satisfying enough that it will keep them full until dinner rolls around. Here are some of our favorite After-School Snacks that are easy for mom and yummy for the kids; make sure you add these ingredients to your grocery list! Ants On A Log Cut celery into sticks Fill with cream cheese Top with raisins as your β€œants on a log” What to add to your grocery list: celery, cream cheese, raisins. Apple Nachos Cut apples into thin chip-like wedges Whisk together…

To leave your home country and move to another one for the betterment of yourself and your family is one of the hardest things to do. My family and I decided to move to Canada two years ago in search of better opportunities for our daughters, especially our youngest, who has Down Syndrome. While the idea of moving seemed exciting sometimes, most of the time, leaving your parents, your home, your friends, and the life we had built together seemed daunting. After all, we do need our village to survive. Would we be able to create a new village in the new country? Would our children get to know about our traditions and roots? All these questions never left our minds when we came to Canada. Two years down, I think we have been on the right path in building our new home, making our own family traditions, and adapting…

It’s been on the calendar for weeks: the big hockey tournament weekend. Whether local or out of town, organizing everything can feel like a Zamboni-sized task. Don’t worry, though β€” we’ve got team-tested tips to help you with the hockey tournament weekend: organization & survival. The tournament experience can be as smooth as freshly flooded ice with a little planning. Hockey tournament weekend survival: gear organization First and foremost, you need the team uniform. Your safest bet is to bring anything and everything that has the team logo on it: the β€˜home’ jersey, β€˜away’ jersey, β€˜alternate’ jersey, and so on. Pack plenty of extra clothes, especially undershirts and socks. And, if your young all-star’s equipment is getting a little smelly, check out our tips on washing and disinfecting it before they hit the ice. You don’t want to arrive at an out-of-town tournament with only one elbow pad. Take a…