Back-to-school means the return of the dreaded “h-word”: homework. Don’t worry, though — we’ve got three “s words” to help you through it (and no, it doesn’t include the one that immediately comes to mind). For Homework tips to make the process more efficient and less painful, try using the three S’s: schedule, space, and support. Schedule – How to create a homework schedule It’s helpful to establish good habits and a regular homework routine right from the start. You know your child best, so customize the timing by asking the following questions: Are they best suited to tackle their work right after school, before they get caught up in their free time activities? For example, once they get rolling on something fun, will it be a huge battle to transition them back into a school mindset? Would they benefit from a bit of time to decompress and regroup first?…
It’s no secret that new parents need a break from time to time. Whether it be some quiet travel time or just a short break from some of the fussing, pacifiers can come in handy when you need them most. It’s important to know that ALL babies are different, and unfortunately, pacifiers are not a one-size-fits-all all type of product. Have no fear. We’re here to help when it comes to deciding which ones you might want to spend your money on! Don’t forget to pick up your Pacifier Labels especially important when heading to daycare! If your baby spits it out often, you don’t want a germy mix-up when they’re popping it back in your baby’s mouth! The best pacifiers & soothers for babies who spit them out: Phillips Avent Soothie Pacifier Why do we love it? – the Avent Soothie Pacifier is made out of medical-grade silicone, which…
When sending our kids to school on the first day, there is often a wide array of emotions. One of the best ways to touch base with your kids is to include a note in their lunch box to let them know we’re thinking of them. Lunch box notes for kids with words of encouragement during their first days or any important day can be the encouragement they need to try something new, make a new friend, or ace a test they’ve been worried about. Mabel’s Labels washaway lunch box notes are the perfect way to include something special in their lunch bag. These lunch box labels will completely disappear each night; just wash them either in the dishwasher or by hand, and they’ll quickly and easily disintegrate. Each pack comes with 24 labels, so there is enough to cover the first week, plus any special days or a note…
With the start of the school year right around the corner, there will be lots of little ones starting their first year of school in Senior or Junior Kindergarten. While it can be stressful for your kids, this is also a really hard time for you! All summer long you spend your days wondering if you’ve prepared them enough to finally head out on their own in the big wide world of elementary school and the truth of the matter is: no child can ever be completely prepared for this big step, but there are definitely some things we can make sure we’re seeing in our children before September rolls around. We’ve made it easier for you both by creating a fun checklist for you and your kiddo to work on this summer. The list is below, and here is a FREE Kindergarten Readiness Checklist for your little one to…
The term “gentle parenting” is doing the rounds in the news and social media, and many people have conflicting opinions about it. Many people, however, are still confusing gentle parenting with permissive parenting. Both these parenting styles have a thin line between them, which may be easy to cross. What is gentle parenting? It is backed by research, leaning towards authoritative parenting. It draws a clear boundary with your children that is helpful for their safety and well-being. It involves resolving conflicts together by discussing the reason behind the set rules and boundaries. It looks beyond punishments and consequences of bad behaviour and focuses more on the reason why the child is behaving a particular way. What is permissive parenting? Permissive parents have extremely low expectations from their children. They believe that their child is incapable of making better choices. Permissive parenting gives all the control to the child and…
No one wants mold and bacteria around — especially not in sippy cups and water bottles that are going right into our kids’ mouths. There are endless options and styles out there, but they can sometimes be complicated and time-consuming to clean. The first step to keeping your child’s drinkware germ-free is to label it clearly, to avoid mix-ups at daycare, camp, sports and school. Once it comes home for washing and re-filling, try these tips to enhance the cleaning process. Clean mold from Sippy Cups When you invest in a new sippy cup for your toddler, you don’t want it to become damaged or unusable due to a washing blunder. So, don’t immediately throw away the outer packaging or the little insert that comes inside the cup — there is valuable information on there! Read the “wash and care” instructions and follow them carefully. You can also visit the…
With our kids starting school in just over a month, many first-time Kindie moms are beginning to feel like they can’t be prepared enough for what is about to happen. From the emotional rollercoaster, the school lunches, routine changes, worries about our kids’ making friends, eating their lunch, and all the other elements of independence they’re about to embark on. It’s hard to know where to begin with getting our kids prepared. Here is how to prepare for Kindergarten; tips from a teacher and mom. The only thing most of us know for sure is we’re about to be a sobbing mess on that first day of school. Have I prepared my little one for this? We asked Kindie parent and teacher, Ms. McNulty, what tips she would give to other parents. What does she expect kindies to know on the first day of class, and how she’s preparing her…
We all know that labeling your kids’ stuff is super important; it prevents lost stuff and, therefore, costly re-purchases! Stops lost & found bins from overflowing and helps kids and parents stay organized. Plus, name labels prevent germy mix-ups and swaps. Teachers can’t possibly keep track of the items each kid in the class belongs to; it takes up their time and is impossible. Kids’ name labels allow teachers to know who’s is who’s with one quick glance, allowing them to focus their time on teaching our kids. Mabel’s Labels has been around for over 20 years and is the expert in kids’ name labels. This time of year, the Back-to-School label combos are one of the top items parents want to purchase. But where do you begin? We’ll break down the best school labels to make your back-to-school label shopping easier! Firstly, Mabel’s School Combos have great features! -100%…
It’s the time of year that starts to creep up on some families. No matter how fun summer has been, it comes to an end; some of our kids become anxious and dread the unknown ahead. A new year at school can be exciting, but it can be a tough transition for other kids. New class, new teacher, new friends, some see the unknown as exciting and fun. However, for kids who struggle with transitions and change, these exciting times can require a lot of planning and care. Here are some anxious kids transition tips for school. First, parents may begin to see behavior changes in their anxious or sensitive kids this time of year. Kids may start to ask a lot of questions about the new year (which is particularly difficult when you don’t have the answers for them). Some signs they may be struggling with transition to…
Want to ease some of your child’s first-day-of-school butterflies? Cozy up together and read a story that will give them a better understanding of what’s ahead. The books we’re suggesting don’t gloss over the fact that kids may feel apprehensive about starting school – they address it head-on with patience, positivity, and humor.