While keeping hydrated is essential for children all year round, it’s especially important that your child drinks enough water during a hot summer day. Summer calls for lots of outdoor activities, including summer camps. Therefore, having a good water bottle tag along the kids’ bag pack would ensure they always have water handy whenever needed.   Having two toddlers of my own, I used to find my kitchen closet full of different kinds of bottles, struggling to find the perfect one for each of them individually. While many of the bottles were brutally rejected by them, we eventually found a good fit for their respective needs. To help other moms going through a similar struggle, here are 5 things to consider when choosing a water bottle for kids this summer. The Opening and Closing Style of the Lid:  Bottles come with different ways to open the lid, and you would not…

Camp season is equal parts excitement and stress. Your kids may be nervous, and you’re probably overwhelmed. It can be tricky to know what exactly to pack for your kids. Here is a sleepaway camp pack list that may reduce your stress a little bit; the list comprises notes from experienced camp moms and kids. Labels– Before ANYTHING goes into your bag, make sure it has a name label! This is non-negotiable. Here’s the best option. TOILETRIES: Toiletries Caddy– A waterproof caddy for bringing all their items to the showers; it’s ok if it gets wet. And it means they always have everything they need for the shower with them. Bug Spray– make sure it’s something you’ve used before so your child doesn’t discover an irritation at camp. Hydrocortisone– or something similar to soothe itchy skin. Sunblock– Don’t leave home without it, ever. Make sure it’s waterproof (not just water…

You know you’ve turned the page into spring when you pull out the seasonal storage bin, to re-discover the outdoor toys that have been out of sight, out of mind all winter. Goodbye, snow shovel – hello, Frisbee! Your kids’ activity and gear choices will vary from year to year, depending on their age and interests. Here’s our round-up of can’t-miss outdoor toys for spring and summer – coming soon to a park or sidewalk near you! Toddler Bubbles. Chasing bubbles has always been, and will always be, a hit with young kids. Be prepared to draw a crowd if you’re playing in a public space. Get more bang for your bubble by choosing an oversized wand or a battery-operated bubble blower. If your bubble liquid supply is dwindling, try mixing up a DIY recipe at home. Wheeled transportation. A sturdy wagon, jogging stroller, or bike trailer is handy to…

We often hear about the benefits of sending kids to camp. Even here in the Mabelhood, we talk about it a lot. Like this, and this. Sleepaway camp is indeed so beneficial for kids. But what about moms? Being a mom is hard, and we rarely talk about how we need a break. So summer camp also has enormous benefits for parents, and it’s okay to admit that. Here are the ways that moms benefit from our kids going to camp.  1) Recharge  Relax, take a walk, meditate and do the things you always dream of doing but never have the time or the privacy to do.  2) Eat what you want   Enjoy the chance to cook meals that you love without complaints. Eat the spicy foods, the healthy meals, or the junk food you want without needing to share!  3) Reconnect with your spouse   Go on dates, enjoy the…

I’m not a regular mom; I’m a cheer mom. My daughter started cheerleading a few years ago, and we’ve found our new family. Our cheer family. It hasn’t always been easy for me (or my daughter, but today I’m just speaking to the cheer moms). I have had many things to figure out, from what to pack, to how to navigate competitions to hair and makeup and everything in between. So here are some tips to being an organized cheer mom. Here is a crash course on what I’ve learned about staying organized (being a cheer mom can be a full-time job on top of a regular full-time job). I learned through experience, and I want other newbie cheer moms to have an easier go – so follow these tips and you’ll go from rookie to All-star in cheer-mom organization! There is much more to cheer than I imagined before…

We’re often trying to limit screen time, we’re trying to be the parents who don’t use the TV as a babysitter, but let’s be real, sometimes we just need to finish up work, do the laundry or make dinner and the TV can be the best babysitter to allow us to do that.  Instead of feeling guilty about doing that, know that everyone does it, and select Tv shows that make you feel a bit better. Here is a list of the best educational TV shows for kids in 2023 that you know they can watch guilt-free! 1) Storybots Answer Time Little Kids Rated ***** on Common Sense Media Netflix Every episode answers questions sent in by real kids, questions and life and the world that kids are curious about. The Story Bots work together to find the answer to the kids’ questions. The show includes fun musical elements; in…

 It’s great to have hobbies, but hobbies such as video games seem to be creeping into some dangerous territory for many parents these days. Many parents, especially after lockdown days, have been seeing an increase in screen time, and have been asking themselves about video game addiction, how much it too much? It’s difficult for parents to know when a harmless hobby is no longer harmless. How much is too much and can gaming become an addiction?  Recently, on a Facebook moms’ group, the question was raised, how do I know if my son is addicted to video games, the comments came flooding in. This is a concern in many families. It’s difficult to know when your child is crossing into the area of no longer controlling themselves or whether they enjoy the game.  During pandemic days, screen time has significantly increased. However, with families spending so much time together, sometimes…

As parents, we often feel overwhelmed and mentally exhausted and feel bursts of guilt for not doing enough for our children. Sometimes, we may find ourselves replaying our reactions to our children’s actions and wondering if we should have reacted differently. In my opinion, millennials carry a heavier parenting burden than the previous generation because they are the first generation trying to break the cycle. We are the first generation that must deal with an abundance of information about how to raise children, making us question how we were raised and form our individualized parenting style. We are the generation of social media. We are more self-aware and realize the importance of mental health and how our children’s formative years will impact their future relationships. Therefore, comparing our parenting style with our parents’ is natural. However, our children are growing up in a very different time than ours, and consequently,…

Courageous. Determined. Passionate. Aries is the first sign in the zodiac, and they have a lot of great qualities. If you’ve got a little Aries at home, you’re probably thinking you’ve got a stubborn little human on your hands since their symbol is the Ram. However, when researching this sign, stubbornness wasn’t mentioned in the list of Aries traits. Trust me, I looked. So maybe Rams aren’t as stubborn as we think? They might have quite the temper though. More on that later… Over the years, I’ve known quite a few Aries. I dated one back in college, my good friend was born at the end of March, and I know a handful of others as well. So, I had quite a few people to keep in mind when I was reading about the stereotypical characteristics Rams are traditionally known to have. Turns out – most of the Aries I…