June is Pride Month! We plan on celebrating, supporting, and learning. We have attended the Pride Parade for many years and are excited to participate again in 2025. My daughter will be 6 this year, and I’m excited to have her attend. But we’ve put a lot of thought into attending and ensuring that we’re doing it respectfully. Pride is a big deal for the community and not one to take lightly or use simply as a costume party. Here is a guide to some things to consider about attending Pride; why I bring my kid, and you should too! Firstly, it’s important to understand why you’re going. So many people have fought for the right to be at the Pride Parade. It’s not just a day for glitter and rainbows. So make sure that your reason for taking your child is genuine and not to play dress-up. Make sure…

  IE… What!? Understanding your child’s IEP  Any parent knows that there is no official parenting handbook. We’re all just winging it, googling it, and trial and error. For parents of kids with additional needs, this couldn’t be truer. From navigating complex medical issues, behavioral anomalies, etc., the paperwork and processes are tiresome and arduous before they’ve even started school. Then, just when you think you may have it all figured out, school starts, and a new process begins. The problem with these systems is that the industry leaders have years of knowledge; it’s what they do for a living. But it’s up to the parents to navigate this unfamiliar system with no prior training, no handbook, and often little to no support. It can feel like representing yourself at a trial you have no previous knowledge of.   Many expressed how concerning, anxiety-inducing, and fear-provoking the initial special education evaluation and IEP…

Congratulations on your toddler crossing another significant milestone! While transitioning your little one from a crib to a toddler bed can be overwhelming and scary for many parents, there are ways to help make it smoother. Generally, toddlers are ready to transition to a big bed between the ages of 18 months to four years. However, parents and caregivers of the kids know best when they are ready for this big move. If you are wondering whether your child is ready for this transition, it would help if you asked yourself: Is my child consistently trying to climb out of the crib? Is the crib getting too small or tight for my child? Is my child showing interest in a big kid bed? Do I need the crib for a new sibling? If you answered yes to these, it may be time to transition to a big bed! Check out…

Now that your child has settled in to a school routine, it’s a good time to talk about setting goals and working toward them. This is a life skill, as there will always be things your child wants to achieve or areas where she needs to improve.

Does your child have a goal for this school year? It may be to get a higher grade in math, read a popular book series independently, or participate more frequently in class discussions. To help get the ball rolling, we’ve got tips and strategies to guide your child through goal setting.

Many working parents are transitioning from school mornings to camp mornings and will quickly discover that it’s no less chaotic than the school year.  Your morning will look different depending on the camp, the daily activity and even the weather. It’s not as easy as the school year when you’ve settled into a routine. Here are some things to consider packing and preparing in the weeks leading up to camp to help yourself have smooth mornings. This list is everything you’ll need to know for how to pack and label for day camp. Labels:  Firstly, you need a label pack! Everything that goes back and forth each day will need to be labelled. These are all new kids, and there will likely be look-a-like items. Plus, with new kids, they can’t easily tell who’s is who. Labels are essential and often mandated at camp. The best pack for day camp…

Planning your family’s first-ever camping trip? Forgive the tent-related pun, but you might be feeling like the stakes are high, with the trip’s success resting entirely on you. However, there’s no need to (brace yourself for tent pun #2) get in a flap about it! We’re here to help with practical tips to ensure you have a tent full of happy campers from start to finish. Read on for 20 tips for first-time camping families. Before you go Limit the distance. Don’t venture too far on the first trip. If you keep your travel time reasonable, it will be easier to head home if there is bad weather or someone becomes sick or injured. Search for a nearby location with convenient amenities and family-friendly features like a beach or playground. Talk about it. Since this will be a new experience for some (or all) family members, chat about what to expect. Camping…