I love that my kids are confident. I love that they’re kind and they’re successful. But it’s important through all of it to keep them humble. I saw this come across my social media feeds, and it triggered a few feelings about staying humble and teaching our kids the same—especially these days with positive parenting. Of course, we want to be gentle and positive parents, but too much telling them they’re brilliant isn’t positive, because are they? Or are they just the same as everyone else, no better- no worse, just different. Value them I don’t think we have to make our kids feel like they are the most extraordinary creatures that ever existed. Instead, we should have conversations and show that we value them for who they are and what they’re passionate about. But, again, it doesn’t have to be spectacular. They are just humans – as incredible and,…

We all have mom guilt at some point. I don’t know one mother who hasn’t felt the pressure of balancing relationships, childcare, career, etc. and feeling that we’re falling short of what’s expected of us. Guilt is a moral emotion that occurs when a person believes or realizes—accurately or not—that they have compromised their own standards of conduct or have violated universal moral standards and bear significant responsibility for that violation. Guilt is closely related to the concept of remorse, regret, as well as shame. But where do these standards come from? Why do mothers have so much guilt? Who set the bar? Our society and culture have taught us guilt. Our community has set expectations of what we’re supposed to do and accomplish, and there unrealistic. These expectations were set in the 1950s before women entered the workforce and lost our villages. Then, women entered the workforce, got paid…

We’re already into the second month of the year! Crazy, right? It always feels like these first couple months of the year go by in slow motion, but we’re already halfway through February and there is so much to look forward to! I mean, I can almost smell Spring! Almost. For those of you expecting a February baby, you have even MORE to look forward to! Not only are you bringing a beautiful baby into the family, but those born in February appear to be pretty awesome. After doing a bit of research, I’ve learned a lot about babies born in the month of love and football! They’re known for being compassionate, frank, and honest. All good things, right? They’ve also been known to have a bit of a rebellious streak so…consider this your heads up. (Sorry, I’m just the messenger!) If you have a February baby at home, or…

Many young students struggle with reading, which is why it’s important to help instill confidence and a lifetime love of learning. Here are some suggested books to help kids love reading. I fell in love with reading upon the discovery of Anne of Green Gables, and it has been a deep friendship with books ever since. Working in education, I write extensively on this topic and have many reading tips to share. To start with one of my favorite suggestions, try making it enjoyable by tapping into interests. So where do we start? I am a huge fan of capturing the mood of the month and connecting it to great reads. We are in luck that February has rich themes of love, friendship, and family with many festivities to celebrate. This includes the Lunar New Year, Valentine’s Day, Family Day (observed in several Canadian provinces), and President’s Day just to…

If you find yourself thinking about getting a new puppy or even talking about it with your family, there are many things to consider. Don’t make the mistake of rushing the decision, a new puppy is a big change and there are many considerations to make. Here are ten tips to ensure a positive transition for both you and your new friend. Do you really want a dog? The most important tip for anyone thinking about getting a puppy is to look long and hard at their life, expectations, and comfort. If you despise the cold and rain, you are certainly not going to want to take a dog out for daily runs. The same is true for those who don’t have a lot of spare time. A puppy will turn your life upside down, in positive and negative ways. Shelters are overrun with unwanted dogs and cats that were…

Fundraising is inevitably a necessary burden to keep schools, clubs, and organizations running these days. From needing to cover travel costs, uniforms, equipment for kids to overall helping under-funded programs up and running. The benefits of fundraising are so great for kids; you need to understand the most effective way to raise money for the kids’ school or organization. The big downside to fundraising is that it’s a BIG job. It’s a full-time job and can add to already busy and stressed parents. Whether you’re asking parents to sell chocolate bars, wrapping paper, or magazine subscriptions, parents get tired of the time-consuming burden of fundraising, and organizers get tired of the planning, distribution, and overall logistics. There are many flaws with fundraising programs, but we’re here to show you how we’ve created the most straightforward way for both parents and organizations to raise funds without needing the added burden. Our…

It’s a new month! A new year! A new beginning! And maybe for some of you reading this…a new baby! Starting off a brand-new year with a brand-new bundle of joy is super exciting. January always has that feeling of a fresh start where we can put the past year behind us and look forward to what’s to come. That’s especially exciting if the previous year wasn’t all that great. And let’s be honest…it probably wasn’t, am I right? Well, if we’re being completely honest here, the last TWO years weren’t all that awesome. But hey – that’s all behind us now! It can only go up from here! *crosses fingers and toes* If you’re expecting a new baby this month, you have plenty to look forward to in the coming year! Lots of exciting changes and milestones, and since January is right in the middle of winter, you get…

Last month when the Sex and the City reboot debuted, actor Sarah Jessica Parker took aim at the “misogynist chatter” surrounding how the show’s characters, herself included, have aged. “I know what I look like”, she told Vogue magazine. “What am I going to do about it? Stop aging? Disappear?” Amen sister! I mean, considering the alternative to aging is, um, BEING DEAD, shouldn’t we be pleased about those wrinkles and sore backs? SJP also took aim at social media where women are targeted for having too many wrinkles or none at all, and where brands and influencers encourage us to embrace our bodies exactly as they are, and in the next breath suggest expensive creams, scrubs, balms, lotions, and procedures because #selfcare. Surfing Instagram is a lot like shopping at Whole Foods: you’re enticed by the pretty colours and the possibility of living a better life. But in the…

Here’s a sound bite from my house: Me: “Hey kids, let’s go outside!” Kids: “Groannnnnnnnn. No thanks.” I have a theory about this reaction. It’s not that they’re lazy or dislike being outdoors (I know for a fact that they do). It’s just that kids need a compelling reason – even a small one – to step outside. Of course, that reason can’t be: “Well, it’s good for your overall health and mood, plus it gives you a much-needed break from screen time!” No one is leaping out of their seat after that boring sales pitch. It might take a bit of creativity to motivate kids to head outside, but it can be done. The secret? Create a purpose. Invent a task. Introduce a prop or accessory. Add something (anything!) to give the experience a sense of importance or accomplishment. Here are some of my kid-tested ideas to promote outdoor…