Even though it’s somewhat in the middle of the year, September has always been a month of new beginnings. It’s the start of a new school year, a new season begins, we adapt to new routines, and everything just feels like a fresh start! Oh, and pumpkin spice is everywhere! Depending on how you feel about pumpkin spice, that could be a good thing or a bad thing. Even if you don’t like the taste of pumpkin spice, I think we can all agree it smells amazing! Okay, maybe we won’t ALL agree. Besides pumpkin everything, September is also the month to celebrate some fun – and random – things, like National Pepperoni Pizza Day, Talk Like a Pirate Day, National Comic Book Day, National Coffee Day, and a day I think the whole world needs right now…National Love People Day. It’s on September 30th.  I’m also kind of a…

Resiliency Tips That They Can Take Into Adulthood The first day of school can be frightening. It’s a new place, new people, new buildings to navigate, and new rules to learn. There are so many unknowns. For each child, the questions and anxiety are different. Whether it’s about missing home, or not knowing what to do or where to go, or the awkward phase of making new friends, it’s no surprise that our kids can feel some anxieties about this; it’s a lot. Even some adults google new places ahead of time to make sure they know what to expect; why should we expect anything braver from our kids. As parents, we want to move mountains to make sure our kids never feel stress or pain, but logically we also know that it’s a part of life. The best thing we can do is set them up with tips, tricks,…

August already?! Or maybe for some parents…it’s ONLY August?! Whatever boat you’re in, August definitely has its pros and cons. It’s an exciting month because it’s still filled with loads of summer fun, and there’s also the excitement of a new school year just around the corner! Okay, maybe that last one might fall under the ‘con’ category, depending on who you ask. The month of August is also filled with plenty of reasons to celebrate. The whole month is National Sandwich Month, which could be why August babies love their sandwiches more than the average person. Plus, August hosts National Fajita Day, National Waffle Day, National Aviation Day, National Dog Day, and even National Power Rangers Day! Yes, it’s a thing. If you’re welcoming a new baby in August, then that’s the ultimate reason to celebrate! You can look forward to having a happy little baby that will keep…

Our annual Mabel’s Labels Ultimate Back-To-School Guide is full of tips, advice and resources to help you prepare for whatever school situation is ahead. These articles are full of useful information from real parents, experts and teachers to support your family’s transition back to the classroom. We’ve organized them into six sections to help you easily find the topics relevant to you.