If you read my article last month about June babies, you know it was a pretty busy month for celebrations in our house. The month of July though, not so much. It’s like the calm after storm. That doesn’t mean there aren’t things to celebrate this month, though! July is filled with fun, festive days like National Ice Cream Day, International Friendship Day, National Cousins Day, and my personal favorite – National Cheesecake Day. (It’s July 30th by the way!) Not only that, but July is also filled with glorious beach days, backyard barbeques, and pool parties! It’s a pretty awesome month with or without birthday celebrations. If you’re welcoming a new baby this month though, you have an extra reason to celebrate! There are so many amazing things about babies born in July. They’re known to be charming and generous and they’re prone to having that sunny disposition since…

The return to school typically brings a renewed sense of routine to your household. You may be dusting off the school lunch containers or resuming a structured schedule of evening activities. This is a great time to re-commit to meal planning and healthy food choices, even when you’re tight on time. To help you out, we’ve compiled kitchen-tested tips and tricks (organized by meal) for the upcoming school year.

Well, school is over and after having WAY too much time with our kids through the pandemic so far, summer is here. And, it seems we have even MORE time with them. Yay, us! How are you planning to survive? I’ve got a few ideas – hopefully they are a wee bit helpful for you as well, in these dire times. Create a Summer Bucket List Sit the kiddos down and see if you can all agree on a few activities that everyone is invested in. Here are a few categories that we are considering in my home. Adventure: this does not have to be expensive or hard. Find a new park in your city, do a road trip, go strawberry picking, or check out a local Farmer’s Market. Do GOOD: have the kids set up a lemonade stand for a local charity, collect canned goods for the local food…