10 Ways to Practice Self-Care When You Have a Newborn

When it comes to self-care as a new mom, you have to think like you’re taking off on a holiday. (Trust me; I’m going somewhere with this.) And, while any new mom will tell you that early postpartum life is hardly a vacay, there is a pearl of wisdom perfect for new mama self-care that you’ve likely heard recited by your flight attendant just before take-off: You must put on your own oxygen mask first.


I cleaned out my toaster the other day. It wasn’t out of boredom – in fact, I had a long list of other things I needed to do. But a rogue scrap of bread had become stuck in the inner metallic grid, which presented a fire hazard. After unplugging the toaster, turning it upside down and unleashing an avalanche of crumbs, I noticed that the outside surface was incredibly grungy. I scrubbed it until it gleamed.


From early on, my husband and I had a pretty good idea our youngest son was a lefty. When he started using a spoon, it was in his left hand. When he reached for toys or zoomed cars along the floor, it was with his left hand. When he learned to colour, he was all left. And when we handed him a hockey stick, he immediately held it in his left. When we gave him a ball and glove and he wanted to throw AND catch with his left hand, it confirmed it for us. We quickly returned to the store to buy him a new glove.