
Linsey De Ruysscher


Winter is a great time to curl up with a good book, isn’t it? I can already picture myself snuggled up in my reading nook with a warm blanket, cozy slippers, and a mug of something hot while the snow falls outside. Talk about a great way to spend a cold, winter afternoon! And I know I’m not the only one looking forward to those snowy days where all you need to worry about is where you left your bookmark. Sure, I could switch to an e-reader and not worry about bookmarks, but I just love the feel and smell of actual books so much. So, I’ve put together a “Winter Reading List” to give you some ideas for both kids…and Moms! We’ve also added in some of our mom friends who are some amazing authors- so make sure to give these moms a read too. Kid List InvestiGators –…

Courageous, but tender. Demanding, yet emotional. For those of you with a little Scorpio in your house…how are you? Are you doing alright? I say this because Scorpios are not easy. All the parents of Scorpios are nodding their heads right now and saying things like “You got that right!” or “Don’t I know it!” or “Is that why my kid is so stubborn?!” Yes! It’s not genetics. I mean, it could be genetics, but you can totally blame it on their astrological sign. You have one passionate, determined, and independent child on your hands – and that’s not a bad thing! Just think of the things they’ll accomplish in life! Scorpios have a combination of characteristics that are rarely seen in other signs. If you’re currently raising a Scorpio, or you’re expecting one soon, let see what the experts say! First, we’ll start with the basics of the Scorpio…

Peaceful. Fair. Social. Cooperative. Not a fan of being alone. If this sounds like a little one living in your house, you’re most likely raising a Libra. Now, I don’t have any Libras in my house, but I know a few Libras and I was also raised by one. My Dad is a Libra and while reading up on all the stereotypical Libra traits, he seems to be pretty true to his sign. Apparently, Libras are known as being very likeable people, and I think I would have to agree with this. In addition to my Dad, I also have a good friend and a sister-in-law who fall under this sign and they’re all very likeable. I mean, Libras are known for their irresistible charm after all. More on that soon! If you’re currently raising a Libra, you’re probably wondering what might be in store for you in the years…

As someone who has been raising a Virgo for almost 14 years, you might think I have all the answers. Spoiler alert: I don’t. I have some insight and some experience for sure, but I wouldn’t say I have all the answers. In my experience, raising a Virgo has been quite pleasant overall. As a baby, he was always very happy and relaxed. As a toddler, he was super helpful with his younger brother. In school, he’s always done very well and not just because it comes easy to him, but because he WANTS to do well in school. He’s always had a very calm and patient personality too. Now, that’s not to say he doesn’t lose his temper and get angry. He does. But that might be more of a redhead thing than a Virgo thing… While diving deeper into all the typical Virgo traits, I nodded along with…

The centre of attention. Ridiculously creative. Fearless. A born leader. Sound familiar? If so, you likely have a little Leo in your life. While I don’t have any first-hand experience raising a Leo, I do know quite a few. Three nephews, a niece, and my mother-in-law were all born under the Leo sign. So, it’s safe to say I have spent quite a bit of time around Leos. After doing some research about the stereotypical characteristics of Leos, I think it’s pretty accurate to say that Leos know what they want. They appear to have strong personalities and high expectations. They’re are Lions though, so they’re also warmhearted and super loyal. There’s a lot to cover when it comes to Leos, so let’s dive in and see what the experts say! First, we’ll start with the basics of the Leo sign. Birthdate – July 23 – August 22 Element –…

If you were to ask my boys, they would tell you that kids born in the summer months are the luckiest because they NEVER have to go to school on their birthday. My oldest kind of got the short end of the stick when it comes to birthdays though. He was born in early September, and his birthday has been the first day of school on more than one occasion throughout the years. In fact, he started JK on his 4th birthday. In my defense though, he was 10 days late! He was supposed to be an August baby. I blame him. Now while I don’t have any summer babies of my own, I do have three nephews and one niece who were born during the summer months. Two of them were born under the sign, Cancer. While exploring the stereotypical characteristics of Cancers, I would have to say they…

Ahhhh, Geminis. As someone who lives in a house with not just one but TWO Geminis, you’d think I’d be an expert on what to expect, right? Well, full disclosure…I’m not. Not even a little bit. My husband is a Gemini, and our youngest son is a Gemini as well, and I can at least tell you one thing from personal experience – it’s never boring. Here are some tips on how to raise a Gemini.  While I was researching the stereotypical traits of Geminis, I found myself nodding along and smiling because some of them were completely spot-on for either my husband, my son or BOTH! Maybe that’s why they butt heads so much. They’re too much alike! Or perhaps it’s the mood swings Geminis are known for. Of course, they’re known for being affectionate too, so hopefully, things balance out.   Now until June 20, we’re celebrating Gemini. So, what can you…

Ever since I was young, I was always interested in astrological signs. I was never one of those people that read my horoscope every day and believed every word or anything, but I thought it was fascinating. I enjoyed reading about my sign and all the personality traits that went with it to see if I could relate. Turns out, everything they said about my astrological sign was pretty spot on. So, I decided to start learning about ALL the astrological signs to see if they matched with people I knew under each sign. For the most part, they did! I was intrigued. As an adult, I still find astrological signs interesting, but I don’t believe every single person is exactly how they’re described by their sign. I do feel like it gives us a glimpse into their personality though. I’ve read the characteristics associated with each of my own…

March has a such great feeling about it, doesn’t it? Maybe it’s because we know Spring arrives this month. Maybe it’s the fun and festivities of St. Patrick’s Day. Maybe it’s because some of us take some time off to spend March or Spring break with the kiddos! Whatever it is, March has a great vibe. It even has some super random, but FUN, days to celebrate including National Goof Off Day, National Chip & Dip Day, National Puppy Day, and National Take a Walk in the Park Day. Sign me up for chips and dip! If you’re expecting a new addition to the family this month, you have even more to celebrate! Those born in March are known for being happy little babies and they’re also eternal optimists. Pretty awesome, right? So, if you’re counting down the days until your little one arrives, or you already have a little…

We’re already into the second month of the year! Crazy, right? It always feels like these first couple months of the year go by in slow motion, but we’re already halfway through February and there is so much to look forward to! I mean, I can almost smell Spring! Almost. For those of you expecting a February baby, you have even MORE to look forward to! Not only are you bringing a beautiful baby into the family, but those born in February appear to be pretty awesome. After doing a bit of research, I’ve learned a lot about babies born in the month of love and football! They’re known for being compassionate, frank, and honest. All good things, right? They’ve also been known to have a bit of a rebellious streak so…consider this your heads up. (Sorry, I’m just the messenger!) If you have a February baby at home, or…