Winter is a great time to curl up with a good book, isn’t it? I can already picture myself snuggled up in my reading nook with a warm blanket, cozy slippers, and a mug of something hot while the snow falls outside. Talk about a great way to spend a cold, winter afternoon! And I know I’m not the only one looking forward to those snowy days where all you need to worry about is where you left your bookmark. Sure, I could switch to an e-reader and not worry about bookmarks, but I just love the feel and smell of actual books so much. So, I’ve put together a “Winter Reading List” to give you some ideas for both kids…and Moms! We’ve also added in some of our mom friends who are some amazing authors- so make sure to give these moms a read too. Kid List InvestiGators –…

It seems there’s never any shortage of ‘must-have’ holiday items—things marketers bend over backwards trying to convince us are essential. Cedar-scented candles, Santa-themed dishtowels, and endless strings of twinkle lights are lovely to have, I’ll admit, but it’s not illegal to celebrate the holidays without them. What is a must-have in my house, is an advent calendar. Although my kids would disagree, it’s not about the toy or the chocolate; it’s about the daily reminder that the second-most magical season of the year is upon us. (The first being back to school, obviously.) Opening that tiny, perforated square is a chance to pause and appreciate what a special time Christmas and Hanukkah are, and to build excitement not just for stockings and toys, but for time together and (if we’re really lucky), the true meaning of the season. So here are 22 of our favorite advent calendars for kids; from…

The days can feel long when the whole family gets taken out by a cold, flu (or dreaded stomach bug). Parenting when you’re under the weather is the pits, so being prepared ahead of time can help keep everyone comfortable and cozy, all while keeping your sanity intact. Keeping a sick-day survival kit can help when you need it the most. Everything from medicine to activities, you’ll thank yourself. Also, being prepared is one of the best ways to avoid getting sick – it’s murphy’s law.  You need a sick day survival kit; be prepared for cold and flu season!  It takes a few kids and late-night horror stories for most parents to learn that this kit is essential. So, do yourself a favor and prep your equipment today- before it’s too late and you’re scrambling to find Tylenol at 2 am.  Here is a list of things you’ll want…

When sending your baby to daycare for the first time, it can be daunting to know what to pack. Daycare providers often provide a list of what to pack, but they’re usually short on details. So, here is our list of what to pack for daycare – a little more informative. There are many things to think about, especially if you have a child with medical needs, sensitivities, or who’s just quite emotional; all these aspects affect your packing list. So, while this list is the essentials, you know what’s best for your child as a parent. First things first, purchase your adorable daycare labels!  A change of clothes Your daycare may suggest you pack a change of clothes. We suggest packing two. Remember the changing weather, so while you may provide a spare onesie- great for a hot day, you’ll also need long sleeves. So, we suggest packing two…

Parents are usually operating on limited sleep with their children’s unstable sleeping patterns. We all know that sleep regression, teething, and stuffy noses due to the changing weather are not fun. To top that off, having to change the clocks twice a year can get frustrating for both the parents and children. Studies suggest that it can take up to a week for our bodies to get used to the new time change. It is very common for children to struggle with their routine during this time and feel cranky and tired. However, the good news is that if we prepare for it in advance, the transition can turn out to be less tedious. Take a look at these tips to help you adjust kids to daylight savings time on November 6th, 2022. Gradually Push Your Child’s Dinner and Bedtime Ahead Children can have difficulty sleeping if they are expected…

Courageous, but tender. Demanding, yet emotional. For those of you with a little Scorpio in your house…how are you? Are you doing alright? I say this because Scorpios are not easy. All the parents of Scorpios are nodding their heads right now and saying things like “You got that right!” or “Don’t I know it!” or “Is that why my kid is so stubborn?!” Yes! It’s not genetics. I mean, it could be genetics, but you can totally blame it on their astrological sign. You have one passionate, determined, and independent child on your hands – and that’s not a bad thing! Just think of the things they’ll accomplish in life! Scorpios have a combination of characteristics that are rarely seen in other signs. If you’re currently raising a Scorpio, or you’re expecting one soon, let see what the experts say! First, we’ll start with the basics of the Scorpio…

It’s the time of year when moms and dads start preparing for the onslaught of sugar our little trick-or-treaters are about to receive. It seems the lead-up everywhere we go there are buckets of candy for kids to grab from. Of course, we don’t want to deprive our kids of the sweet treats, but too much sugar and they don’t feel satiated. When they don’t feel satiated, they reach for more candy. Plus, they’re not getting any added nutrients. There are ways in which you can turn that Halloween candy into a healthy treat. So instead of not allowing the candy, the best way to combat this is to incorporate it into a healthy treat. It’s also a good way to use up any uneaten candy you didn’t give away on Halloween night. Here are four simple recipes to turn Halloween candy into a healthy treat Materials for chocolate dipper…

We often discuss kids’ safety on Halloween, wearing bright colors, crossing the street, and checking candy. But as our kids become tweens, the rules seem to change, and there isn’t as much info floating around on Halloween safety for teens and tweens, especially in modern-day society. Eventually, our kids will reach a point when they wander out without adults or perhaps attend a party. The rules are different. While we want them to be independent and have fun with their friends, it’s also essential to send them into the world armed with all the tools to stay safe. Your must talk to them before going out. As painful as they may find it – it’s super important. Read safety tips to make yourself aware of and open the discussion up with your tweens and teens. Tips: Pick a route ahead of time. Make all the parents aware of this route…

You don’t have to call yourself a hard-core feminist to believe that periods shouldn’t be a taboo subject, and that we need to eliminate the shame and embarrassment attached to our cycles.  The best way of ending this stigma, is by talking to our kids. Our boys and our girls. Our boys need to understand menstrual cycles from a young age so that they can have an understanding, build empathy and awareness. This is crucial to eliminating shame in young girls feel about their bodies. By now, we all understand that it’s important to talk to our kids, but some of us still need tips on how to talk to our kids about periods. The conversation starts at home, but for many women it’s a difficult one to broach. This comes down to how we were taught about our periods. It can bring up awkward feelings and memories and emotions…

Peaceful. Fair. Social. Cooperative. Not a fan of being alone. If this sounds like a little one living in your house, you’re most likely raising a Libra. Now, I don’t have any Libras in my house, but I know a few Libras and I was also raised by one. My Dad is a Libra and while reading up on all the stereotypical Libra traits, he seems to be pretty true to his sign. Apparently, Libras are known as being very likeable people, and I think I would have to agree with this. In addition to my Dad, I also have a good friend and a sister-in-law who fall under this sign and they’re all very likeable. I mean, Libras are known for their irresistible charm after all. More on that soon! If you’re currently raising a Libra, you’re probably wondering what might be in store for you in the years…