“I am not paying to watch girls play basketball”.
Every International Women’s Day, I think of a teacher I once had and I’m reminded why such a day needs to exist.
If you’re spending the week at home with your kids, March “Break” is anything but.
About a year ago, I wrote about how I was adamantly against getting a dog. As much as I thought dogs were awesome, the idea of taking on the level of responsibility for 10 or so years seemed like an alien concept that I wanted none of.
Dear Daughter,
We sat side by side as the chair lift made its way up the hill. The sun was shining down on us helping to make it an even more perfect day. He pointed out which hill he wanted to try next. He told me what his plan was to conquer the tougher hill and where he struggled on the last run down.
While I was out alone one rare evening, I texted my husband. “How are things?” I typed. He was holding down the fort with our three young daughters and I felt it only right for me to check in.
These little pizzas tucked away in your freezer for a crazy busy day are pure gold. Take one out, toss it straight into the oven for a few minutes, and before you know it you have a hot tasty pizza for a snack or paired up with a salad it can be dinner! I love these cheesy bites on a busy weekend or an evening where I don’t feel like cooking. All you need to do is cook them a little less, then cool and wrap with cling film and overwrap with foil.
Huddle up girls.
Chock full of beans, spicy peppers and tender chicken, this chili is something spicy and hearty to keep you going on a cold winter day. I have brought it to work often this winter, and every time I heat it up in the microwave, people are inevitably drawn to the staff room by the smell.