We all know that labeling your kids’ stuff is super important; it prevents lost stuff and, therefore, costly re-purchases! Stops lost & found bins from overflowing and helps kids and parents stay organized. Plus, name labels prevent germy mix-ups and swaps. Teachers can’t possibly keep track of the items each kid in the class belongs to; it takes up their time and is impossible. Kids’ name labels allow teachers to know who’s is who’s with one quick glance, allowing them to focus their time on teaching our kids. Mabel’s Labels has been around for over 20 years and is the expert in kids’ name labels. This time of year, the Back-to-School label combos are one of the top items parents want to purchase. But where do you begin? We’ll break down the best school labels to make your back-to-school label shopping easier! Firstly, Mabel’s School Combos have great features! -100%…

It’s the time of year that starts to creep up on some families. No matter how fun summer has been, it comes to an end; some of our kids become anxious and dread the unknown ahead. A new year at school can be exciting, but it can be a tough transition for other kids. New class, new teacher, new friends, some see the unknown as exciting and fun. However, for kids who struggle with transitions and change, these exciting times can require a lot of planning and care. Here are some anxious kids transition tips for school. First, parents may begin to see behavior changes in their anxious or sensitive kids this time of year. Kids may start to ask a lot of questions about the new year (which is particularly difficult when you don’t have the answers for them).Β  Β  Some signs they may be struggling with transition to…

Times are tough; with interest rates and inflation rising rapidly, we’re all starting to look at our spending. Back-to-School is one of those times of year that can add up quickly. Before you know it, you’re over budget. But, there are ways to shop smart. Here are some tips to save money on back-to-school supplies. It’s time to get creative and shop smart! 1) Buy only what you need. Before buying everything you need, check with the teacher and request a supply list. Perhaps you don’t need to buy as much as you think. So save your money and only purchase what the teacher requests. If you’re eager to start, check out these School Supply Lists by Grade. 2) Bundle and buy in bulk. Sometimes purchasing items together is cheaper than individually. If you find your kids don’t need everything in the bundle, you can pair up with friends who…

As a kid, I spent most of my summers at day camp. I have fond memories of those days too. It’s where I learned how to play Capture the Flag. It’s where I fell in love with canoeing. It’s where I learned a ridiculous amount of camp songs and games that I still remember to this day. It’s also where I learned how important sunscreen is for a pale, freckled redhead. If you have plans to send your kids to camp this summer, you can be sure they’ll spend their days swimming, making new friends, playing sports, learning new games, exploring nature, singing songs, laughing, and making memories to last a lifetime. That’s why packing lunches for day camp that will fuel them for endless days of fun is so important. Need some tips on how to pack a lunch for day camp that they’ll love? We’ve got β€˜em! Keep…

We would all love Summer to be an idyllic time with our kids, but let’s be real – it isn’t. If, like many parents, you find yourself constantly dealing with nagging your children to do menial tasks, then you’re not alone! Β Β Summer is a great time to start a chores list with your kids. Giving your kids chores teaches them responsibility, allows them to earn screentime (or whatever that may be in your house) and teaches them that chores are a necessary part of life and a part of working together as a family to keep a household running. Here is a list of chores by age that your kids can do summer, plus some added tasks that can help you out, and teach them about earning money, and prepare for their first job. Firstly, every child should be responsible for their own stuff, and their own personal care chores…

Dyslexia is a word we hear thrown around often, but many parents don’t fully understand what it means or how to recognize it. If your kids are struggling to read, and you’re worried that these struggles may be beyond regular development, then you’ll want to read on! We asked Heather McNulty, a reading expert, to help us break down the reading process. Here are the signs your child may be dyslexic, what to do next, how to advocate and tips on successfully helping your kids learn to read. In fact, even if your child isn’t dyslexic, you’ll probably find this very helpful as your little ones start to learn to read, enter kindergarten and take an interest in reading. So arm yourself with these tips, and you’ll find you and your little one will have a smoother transition into the literary world! So, what is Dyslexia? Dyslexia β€œis a neurologically…

Many little ones struggle with night terrors, and it can really catch parents off guard! It can be heartbreaking not to know how to help them. Here are some tips for helping your child with night terrors. What are night terrors?Β  Night terrors occur when the child is in non-REM sleep. This is when they are transitioning from a deep stage of sleep to a lighter stage. It can be stressful for parents to experience their child struggling with night terrors. While one in six children usually experience them, every child may react to them differently. Night terrors are often confused with nightmares. Your child may be having night terrors if they: Wake up abruptly at night, usually within three hours of sleep. Wake up sweaty, with a rapid heart rate and breathing heavily. Appear to be unresponsive when spoken to, even though their eyes are open. Thrash around aggressively.…

We’re just a few weeks into the school year, and we’ve finally conquered the back-to-school first-week nerves (not yet? Sending love). Just as we start to think to count down the morning struggles, we begin to think that maybe, just maybe, we can handle the morning routine. The moment we let our guard down, thinking we’ve got this, we start to see a new pattern arisingβ€”After School Restraint Collapse, a term coined by Andrea Loewen Nair.Maybe for your kindie, it’s a total out-of-control meltdown, or for your tween, it’s acting quiet and grumpy. However it looks in your household, it’s likely hard to manage. It’s also a little disheartening; you’re excited to see your kids and hear all about their day, and you get nothing but mumbled grunts in return.Β Β  This is normal. It’s manageable, and it’s very, very common. After School restraint Collapse, a term coined only a few…