I can’t count how many times I’ve heard “mom, mom, mom” in the last hour, let alone month. When we decided to have an only child, we assumed he’d always have plenty of interaction with other kids. We never anticipated that the three of us would be isolated in our home for months on end. This era of social distancing means that our son will not have in-person visit with another child for an undetermined amount of time.

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What are Montessori toys and why are they so popular? Montessori is an educational method that was developed by Maria Montessori in 1897. Her educational system is designed to put the child first and allow them to self-lead in the classroom. So, how does this educational style relate to toys? Children are naturally curious and learn through play and things that spark their interest. Toys are one of the first things we introduce to our children. There are tons of toys on the market that encourage children to develop social, cognitive, emotional and physical skills. Here are the best Montessori toys for babies, and kids.


You may be finding yourself with extra time on your hands these days – or, if you’re like many parents, you’re actually swamped with remote work, attempting to homeschool and/or exhausted from parenting your stir-crazy offspring 24 hours away with no break to speak of (can you guess which camp I’m in?). The year 2020 has been magical, yes? What a time to be alive!


By now, I’m sure we’ve all heard about Montessori schools and Montessori-style parenting. If you’re not familiar, the Montessori method of education is for children of all ages and levels and includes a lot of hands-on learning and practical life skills. This style of parenting has become very popular over the last few years and with everything going on in our world right now, it will likely become even more popular.

The past few weeks have been a time of transition for parents all over the globe. We are now being tasked with being remote employees, homeschoolers, chefs, housekeepers, and the list goes on. Since we are stuck at home with our darling children, now is a great time to connect with them and keep them fed! Put those busy hands to work and have them help in the kitchen. Cooking at home with kids may sound stressful to some, but it doesn’t have to be. There are plenty of tasks that they can help with, and give your littles a sense of accomplishment. A win for everyone involved!